From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→ LMIG – We have attached a copy (pdf) of our application to the state DOT for our LMIG
(Local Government Improvement Grant) funding for FY2013. These are the streets approved
at the November council meeting. We will decide how to bid the project soon.
Click here to view PDF
→ Whatcoat Street – Mayor Roseberry, councilmembers Eady and Windham, and I met with
Peter Drey, our landscape architect for this project and with James Johnson,
the landscape architect for Emory on Friday to get this project started.
Peter will send us a summary of the meeting which I will forward to you.

→ Meetings – As requested during the retreat I have started to put together
the list of the other meetings in the county that someone from Council might
consider attending. I’m not done yet, but here is the beginning of the list.
• County Commission - 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7 PM.
• 911 Board - ???
• Board of Elections - Regular monthly Board meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of
every month, 2:00p.m., 1113 Usher Street, Suite 103.
• Keep Covington/Newton Beautiful - Board of about 70 members. Meets on 2nd Tuesday
at 4:30 PM.
• Recreation Commission Board - 4th Monday - 6 PM Meeting Location:
Administrative Offices:
Turner Lake House
6161 Turner Lake Rd 30014.
• Board of Tax Assessors - 2nd & 4th Monday of each month at 4:00 p.m. at the
Newton County Executive Offices, 1113 Usher Street. Newton County Water &
Sewerage Authority - Board of Directors meets third Wednesday of the
month at 9:00am at the main office located at 11325 Brown Bridge Road.
Councilmember Terry Smith is a member of the board.
• City of Covington city council - 1st and 3rd Mondays at 6:30 PM with a work
session at 5:30 PM. Newton County School Board - generally the 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 pm.