Weekly Update 01/04/2013

From Bob Schwartz, City Manager 

 Keep Covington/Newton Beautiful – We have attached (122450.pdf) a signed copy

    of the Intergovernmental Agreement with Keep Covington/Newton Beautiful to help

    implement part of our public education and outreach program for our state EPD 

    required Stormwater program.  This was approved at the December council meeting.

    Click here to view PDF  

 Emory Road water project – The attached revised schedule is Carter & Sloope’s current

    schedule for this project.  They hope to be done with the plans by March and conduct

    the bid process in April and May. 

 Language Hall – Oxford College has scheduled the grand opening for the newly renovated

    Language Hall for Sunday, January 13 at 3 PM.  This is the building just east of Seney Hall. 

 Public Works –  Cleaned up city barn yard;  Cleaned storm drains on Stone Street;  

    Cleaned storm drains on Wesley Street;  Cleaned storm drains in Oxford Square

    subdivision; Replaced Oxford historical cemetery sign on Emory Street. 

    AND, our erstwhile squirrel trappers (Scottie and Troy) got the final two

    squirrels Monday (at least we hope so).  We have removed four squirrels

    from the building and plugged up their entrance. The Christmas decorations on

    Emory Street will be taken down Monday. 

    See you Monday night.