City Council Minutes February 5, 2018 Regular Meeting

MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor; and Councilmembers: George Holt; Jim Windham; David Eady; Mike Ready; and Jeff Wearing, Sarah Davis.

OTHERS PRESENT: Matt Pepper, Assistant City Manager; Dave Harvey, Chief; Jody Reid, Utility Superintendent; Stacey Mullen, Deputy City Clerk, Hoyt Oliver, LaTrelle Oliver, Teresa Welch, Darryl Welch, Judy Greer, Patsy Burke, Peggy Madden, Mike Besaw; also Dean Hicks, Danielle Miller, Kendra Mayfield and James Johnson of Oxford College, Loren Roberts, Donna Sneed.  

The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor

Invocation was delivered by Hoyt Oliver

Pledge of Allegiance – All

Mayor Roseberry delivered the Oath of Office to City Attorney David Strickland.  (Attachment A)

Motion was made Mike Ready, seconded by Jeff Wearing to accept the Agenda for the February 5, 2018 Mayor and Council Regular Meeting. Motion passed 7/0. (Attachment B)

Honorary Councilmember- Mayor Roseberry introduced Loren Roberts as Honorary Councilmember for the month of February and presented her with a Proclamation as appreciation for her participation. (Attachment C)

Motion to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 8, 2018.
Motion to approve the Minutes of the Work Session January 22, 2018.
Motion to accept the Minutes of the DDA December 13, 2017 meeting.  
Motion by Ready, seconded by Davis to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion passed 7/0. (Attachment D a-c)

Mayors Reports -
Mayor Roseberry presented the status of the Police Department for January.
Mayor Roseberry announced GMA is sponsoring a training session on Service Delivery Strategy in Athens on Thursday, February 15th from 8:00 to 5:00 pm.
Mayor Roseberry announced that Erik Oliver will make a presentation at the February work session on the Yarborough house. 
Roseberry announced we will begin discussion on the budget planning. 

Planning Commission Recommendations/Petitions -

Citizens’ Concerns -
Judy Greer expressed thanks to everyone for a successful Arbor Day.
LaTrelle Oliver expressed thanks and appreciation and said there are planners from the GA Forestry in the lobby.
(Attachment E)

Pierce Street Corridor Re-Design -

Dean Hicks of Oxford College extended his presentation and comments regarding the Pierce Street Re-Design regarding the improvements this projects will bring to the city and the college.

A motion was made by Holt, seconded by Eady to accept the recommendation supporting Oxford College’s proposed re-design of Pierce Street.  Motion approved 7/0.  (Attachment F)

Asbury Street Parking -
A motion was made by Eady, seconded by Holt to approve the Oxford College’s proposed plan to construct parking behind Allen Memorial and on Asbury Street.  Motion approved 7/0.
(Attachment G)

Councilman Windham requested that Asbury Street Parking be added to the work session agenda for discussion pertaining to the eastside of Asbury.

2018 Comprehensive Plan Adoption -

The city’s 2018 Comprehensive Plan is complete, and has been formally accepted by the state. Per state law, Council must formally adopt the plan by way of resolution. 
A motion was made by Windham, seconded by Holt to adopt the resolution for the 2018 Comprehensive Plan. Motion approved 7/0. (Attachment H)

First Reading for Sec 38-58 Public Tree Care Ordinance Amendment
Assistant Manager Matt Pepper presented the first reading of an amendment to the city’s Public Tree Care ordinance that will require property owners to obtain written permission from the Trees, Parks and Recreation Board before planning trees, plants, and shrubs in city right-of-way.  (Attachment I)

Trees, Parks, and Recreation Board Member Nominations
The Trees, Parks, and Recreation Board presented Teresa Welch and Mike Besaw for appointment as members.
A motion was made by Windham, seconded by Ready to accept Teresa Welch and Mike Besaw as members of the Trees, Parks, and Recreation Board.  Motion approved 7/0.

Police Department –

Assistant City Manager said we recommend that Council approve the changes to the city’s pay schedule effective July 1, 2018 to move the Police Officer position from Grade 17 to Grade 18, and the Lieutenant position from Grade 18 to Grade 19. 
A motion was made by Holt, seconded by Eady to approve this pay schedule change. Motion approved 7/0.
(Attachment J)

Latham Home Sanitation, Inc. -
Assistant Manager Matt Pepper said Latham Home Sanitation recently sent notice to increase their prices per customer for both residential and commercial garbage and recycling pickup by $2.01 per customer. We recommend that Council agree to the new terms with the price increase to be effective July 1, 2018 as per the contract.
A motion was made by Holt, seconded by Eady to accept the proposed increase from Latham Home Sanitation to be effective July 1, 2018 as per contract. Motion approved 7/0.  (Attachment K)

Code Enforcement Bids -
Assistant Manager Matt Pepper recommended that Council award the bid to Bureau Veritas for an hourly rate of $80.00.   
A motion was made by Eady, seconded by Ready to accept the proposal from Bureau Veritas for the services of Code Enforcement at the cost of $80.00 per hour. Motion approved 7/0.  (Attachment L)

Public Works Service Bucket Truck -
Assistant Manager Matt Pepper recommended that Council award the purchase of a 2006 Ford F-650 bucket truck to Snapping Shoals EMC for $15,000.00. 
A motion was made by Wearing, seconded by Windham to award the purchase of a 2006 Ford F-650 Bucket truck from Snapping Shoals EMC for $15,000.00. Motion approved 7/0.
 (Attachment M)

Demolition of 6153 Emory Street –

A motion was made by Wearing, seconded by Windham to authorize Assistant Manager Matt Pepper and Superintendent Jody Read to proceed with obtaining bids for the asbestos abatement and demolition of the (Green House) at 6153 Emory Street. Motion passed 7/0.

6153 Emory Street Property -
Assistant City Manager Matt Pepper recommended that Council assign the Trees, Parks and Recreation Board to serve as a study committee on developing this property into a city park. 
A motion was made by Holt, seconded by Eady to assign the Trees, Parks and Recreation Board in partnership with Oxford College, to research and develop the property at 6153 Emory Street.  The motion passed 7/0.
Invoice Approval

INVOICES OVER $1,000.00 





City Oxford Utilities

City Hall/Maintenance Facility/Old Church/Pump Station on Richardson Utilities for (December)


Blue Cross Blue Shield

Health Insurance (February Billing period 2/1- 3/1)


City of Covington

Quarterly Sewer Charges 9/30/17 – 12/31/2017


Latham Home Sanitation Co. Inc.

Monthly curbside service for December 



Monthly IT Services February Inv#9440


Southeastern Power Admin.

SEPA energy cost  (Dec) Inv. B-18-0674




Wire 1000 feet, Utility department


Card Services

Utilities Locate Luncheon/ Annual Council & Employee Dinner/Maintenance Employee Dinner/Registration and Hotel for Lauran and Dawn Clerks Conference in Jekyll, other misc. 


C. David Strickland

Legal Services for December 2018


C. David Strickland

Legal Services for January 2018



Uniforms 11/2/17 – 11/30/17


Covington Auto Collision

Repairs to Police Vehicle from Deer accident



Uniforms & Equipment Police Dept


Greer, Stansfield & Turner

Legal Services/Down Town Development Authority



First respondents vest for Police Department


Qader Baig & Associates

Legal Services/Municipal Court Solicitor July-Dec


Treadwell, Tamplin & Co.

Interim Billing for audit services year ending 6/30/2017


Woco Pep Oil Co.

Fuel for January Inv#7568



Jordan Engineering

Narrative summaries for Moore St Sidewalk/GUPS permits for water & sanitary sewer at Soule intersection/Sewer connection recon-East Watson St/RW control installation/Imagery collection N. Emory/etc. 


Scarborough Tree Service

Removal of 1 large Oak at 1303 Asbury St.


Motion made by Holt, seconded by Eady, to approve invoices. Motion passed 7/0.

Executive Session
Motion made by Ready, seconded by Eady to enter into the Executive Session at 7:39 PM. Motion passed 7/0.
There was discussion of personnel matters.

Motion made by Ready, seconded by Eady to leave the Executive Session at 7:49 PM. Motion passed 7/0.
Motion made by Windham, seconded by Wearing to adjourn at 7:49 PM. Motion passed 7/0.

Respectfully Submitted;

Lauran Willis, CMC/FOA
City Clerk