City Council Minutes January 9, 2017 Regular Session

MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2017 – 7:00 P.M.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor; Councilmembers: Sarah Davis; George Holt; David Eady; Melvin Baker; Mike Ready; Jim Windham.

OTHERS PRESENT: Bob Schwartz, City Manager; David Strickland, City Attorney; Dave Harvey, Chief;

Lauran Willis, City Clerk; Jody Reid, Utility Superintendent; Hoyt Oliver, Kendra Mayfield, Cheryl Ready, Mary Carter, Anderson Wright, Sylvia Godfrey, J.P. Godfrey, Mary Godfrey, Peggy Madden, Judy Greer, Cary Holt, Todd Cain.


The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor and the invocation given by Hoyt Oliver.

Pledge of Allegiance:

Organizational Meeting – The Honorable Steven A. Hathorn, Judge for the City of Oxford Municipal Court administrated the Oath of office for Mayor and Councilmembers: Mayor Jerry Roseberry, Councilmembers Sarah Davis – Post 1, George Holt – Post 2, Mike Ready  - Post 3, David Eady – Post 4, Jim Windham – Post 5, Melvin Baker – Post 6.

City Attorney David Strickland administrated the Oath of office to Judge Steven A. Hathorn who in turn administrated the oath to Attorney David Strickland, City Clerk/Treasurer Lauran Willis and Police Chief David Harvey.  Attachment A 1-13

A motion was made by Ready, seconded by Eady to accept the Agenda for January 9, 2017.  The motion was approved 7/0.  Attachment B


Mayor Roseberry announced Councilmember Holt has appointed Lisa Dorward as the honorary councilmember for the month of February.

A motion was made by Davis, seconded by Baker to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting for December 5, 2016.  The motion was approved 7/0.  Attachment C

A motion was made by Windham, seconded by Baker to approve the minutes of the Work Session for December 19, 2016.  The motion was approved 7/0.  Attachment D

A motion was made by Eady, seconded by Ready to accept the minutes of the Planning Commission for October 11, 2016.  The motion was approved 7/0.  Attachment E



A motion was made by Ready, seconded by Eady to appoint Aaron Robinson to the Planning Commission for a three year term. The motion was approved 7/0.

A motion was made by Eady, seconded by Holt to reappoint Penny England to the Planning Commission for a three year term. The motion was approved 7/0.


Mr. Hoyt Oliver of West Clark Street alerted Council of the planned town center development at City Pond road and Alcovy Road stating this development will have an impact on Oxford.


Mayor Roseberry said this is the time of year we elect a new Mayor Pro-Tem. Going in order of past appointments this year falls to Councilmember Mike Ready.

A motion was made by Baker, seconded by Davis to elect Mike Ready as Mayor Pro-Tem for calendar year 2017.  The motion was approved 6/0. Mr. Ready abstained.

Mayor Roseberry announced that the city charter requires the City Manager and the Mayor to prepare an annual Operating Budget and Capital Budget each year with the final draft of both budgets are subject to the approval of the City Council.  Mayor Roseberry appointed the following ad hoc committees to assist in the preparation of these budgets.  Both committees will work with the City Manager and Department Heads to determine a meeting schedule so that the first draft will be available at the March 20 work session.  Employees will provide assistance to both committees as needed.
Operating Budget Committee                                  Capital Budget Committee
Chairman             George Holt                                        Chairman             Mike Ready
Member              David Eady                                          Member              Sarah Davis

Member              Jim Windham                                     Member              Melvin Baker

The Committee duties will cease with adoption of the budgets planned for the June 5 City Council meeting.  Attachment F

Mayor Roseberry announced the work session will be Monday, January 23rd at 6 PM.  Attachment F

101 Longstreet Circle
No report at this time.

Electric System Upgrade

City Manager Bob Schwartz said as part of ongoing upgrades to our electric system we will replace the 50+ years old poles on Wesley from George Street to West Richardson and along West Richardson to Emory. Schwartz presented a map of the project and asked Superintendent Jody Read to explain the project and give details. 

A motion was made by Windham, seconded by Holt to table this time for further discussion at the work session on January 23rd.  The motion was approved 7/0.   Attachment G

Finance Request - City Clerk Lauran Willis presented the following transactions for authorization from Mayor and Council:
1. General Operating Account/Georgia Fund 1 – A request to authorize City Clerk Lauran Willis to transfer $600,000 from the General Fund Operating Account and deposit it into the Georgia Fund 1 Account. The internal control will be to move $300,000 from the Electric cash fund and $300,000 from the Water/Sewer cash fund.  A motion was made by Holt, seconded by Windham to authorize this request. The motion was approved 7/0. 

2. 2011 SPLOST – A request to authorize City Clerk Lauran Willis to transfer $150,000 from the 2011 SPLOST checking and move it to the Capital Project Fund cash as reimbursement from the loan to 2011 SPLOST for the Emory Street Water Project. This will leave a balance of $20,000 owed to the Capital Project Fund from the 2011 SPLOST.  A motion was made by Windham, seconded by Eady to authorize this request.  The motion was approved 7/0.

3. Off-System Safety Program – A resolution requesting an amendment to the FY2017 Capital Budget for the 2016 Local Maintenance & Improvement Grant for the Off-System Safety Program in the amount of $50,662.70. This is to cover the expenditures for the thermoplastic stop bars and raised brick paver crosswalks.  A motion was made by Holt, seconded by Windham to approve this resolution. The motion was approved 7/0.

Attachment H1 – H3


Invoice Approval






AT & T

Phone services from 9/29 – 10/28


City Oxford Utilities

City Hall/Maintenance Facility/Old Church/Pump Station on Richardson Utilities for (Nov)


City Oxford Utilities

City Hall/Maintenance Facility/Old Church/Pump Station on Richardson Utilities for (Dec)


GMEBS Retirement

Employee Retirement Fund DB Plan (January)



Health Insurance (January)


Latham Home Sanitation Co. Inc.

Monthly curbside service for November


Newton County BOC

Water Purchase Cornish Creek Water Fund for Nov


Newton County W & S Authority

Land application + Plant Operation & MAINT

(Sewer) 10/28/2016 – 11/29/2016


Newton County W & S Authority

Land application + Plant Operation & MAINT

(Sewer)  11/29/2016 – 12/29/2016



IT in a Box  (January)


Southeastern Power Administration

SEPA energy cost  (November)


                                                       PURCHASES/CONTRACT LABOR


S & M- Reel of Triplex and 2 spot lights Electric Dept


Apollo Staffing

Temp Services for 3 men - week ending 10/23


Apollo Staffing

Temp Services for 2 men – week ending 11/13


Consolidated Copier Services

Annual Contract plus overage on color impression




McNair, McLemore, Middlebrooks

Annual-Pre-Audit Recording Financial  - (November)


M. Qader A. Baig & Associates

Legal/Professional Services/Court Solicitor Oct-Dec


Oxford Historical Cemetery

Sale of 4 grave lots


David Strickland

Professional Services for September 


David Strickland

Professional Services for December


David Strickland

Professional Services for January


Georgia Municipal Association

Annual 2017 Worker’s Compensation Insurance Fund


Georgia Municipal Association

Annual 1/1/2017 – 12/31/2017 Cable and Telecommunication Management Services


Jordan Engineering

Asbury Park project October monthly report/Sewer design plans/erosion control plans/easement exhibits.


Mobile Communications

PD Equipment Installation for New Vehicle (approved with FY2017 Capital Budget)


Mobile Communications

Light Bar Installation & Repairs on Police Vehicles


Social Circle Ace Hardware

Aluminized Driveway pipes 4 (Culvert Pipes 18x20)


Steven A. Hathorn

Legal/Professional Services/Judge Oct-Dec


Taser International

Police Department Supplies & Materials


Utility Service Co. Inc.

Quarterly Tank Maintenance  Jan – March 2017


Woco Pep Oil, Inc.

Fuel from October





ACE Kimble Services, Inc.

Demolition & Asbestos Abatement of 1002 Emory St.


Cappstone Energy Group, LLC

GPS Inventory Project/Joint Use Pole Attachment Audit


Church Street Services, LLC

Kay Lee, Oxford Special Projects (November)


Harris Local Government

Online Utility Portal/Acct +Hosting Fees


Jordan Engineering

Sewer Extension Plans/Sewer route to new outfall (Sept)


Mary Ellen Williams

Sidewalk Easement Project


Scott Harpe & James Smith

Sidewalk Easement Project


Sumner/Meeker, LLC

East Clark Property November 


Sumner/Meeker, LLC

East Clark Property December


A motion was made by Holt, seconded by Eady to approve payment of the invoices.  The motion was approved 7/0.

Mayor Roseberry announced there will be an executive session to discuss real estate and personnel matters following the regular session after a short recess.

A motion was made by Windham, seconded by Holt to go into the executive session at 7:55 pm. The motion was approved 7/0.


A motion was made by Eady, seconded by Ready to adjourn the executive session 8:20 pm.  The motion was approved 7/0.

A motion was made by Eady, seconded by Holt to adjourn the meeting at 8:21 pm.  The motion was approved 7/0.


Respectfully submitted,

Lauran Willis
City Clerk