City Council Minutes March 6, 2017 Regular Session

MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor; Councilmembers: Sarah Davis; George Holt; David Eady; Melvin Baker; Mike Ready; Jim Windham.

OTHERS PRESENT: Bob Schwartz, City Manager; David Strickland, City Attorney; Chief Dave Harvey,

Lauran Willis, City Clerk; Jody Reid, Utility Superintendent; Hoyt & LaTrelle Oliver, Curtis Jackson, Laura McCanless, Peggy Madden, Judy Greer, Nita Carson, Darryl Welch with Covington News.   


The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor and the invocation given by Hoyt Oliver.

Pledge of Allegiance:

A motion was made by Windham, seconded by Davis to accept the Agenda of the March 6, 2017 Regular Meeting of Mayor and Council. The motion was approved 7/0.   Attachment A  

Consent Agenda
               a. Motion to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 6, 2017.
               b. Motion to approve the Minutes of the Work Session February 20, 2017.
               c. Motion to accept the Minutes of the Planning Commission for January 17, 2017.
Majority vote adopted 3/6/17    Attachment B





LaTrelle Oliver of 312 W. Clark Street said it would be nice if someone could give a background history of the members who were appointed to the Downtown Development Authority so the citizens know who they are.

Hoyt Oliver of 312 W. Clark Street gave an update on the 2017 SPLOST Committee and thanked everyone who assisted in preparing and getting the notices out to the voters.  Oliver announced that the Oxford Historical Society will hold its annual business meeting on Tuesday, March 7 at Old Church at 7:00 PM.


Mayor Roseberry announced the next work session will be March 20, 2017 at 6:00 PM. The agenda topic will be to discuss the draft FY2018 budgets.

Roseberry announced that Deputy City Clerk Stacey Mullen has completed all of the required hours through the  Carl Vinson Institute for the University of Georgia and is now qualified as a Certified Municipal Clerk.

Mayor Roseberry opened the Public Hearing at 7:05 PM and announced the purpose of the Public Hearing is:  Pursuant to the City of Oxford Zoning Ordinance, Section 40-637 Text Amendments. Roseberry turned the meeting over the City Manager Bob Schwartz. Schwartz announced this is the first reading of an ordinance to amend Section 40-349 Future Development Plan required of Oxford College.  Schwartz explained that the amendment removes some duplicative requirements and changes the time required for updates to the plan. The amendment has been reviewed and recommended by the Planning Commission.

Mayor Roseberry called for comments or discussion in favor or opposed. There being no comments or further discussion the Public Hearing was adjourned at 7:10 PM. 

Zoning Text Amendment
The Planning Commission recommended amending the zoning ordinance concerning the future development plan required of Oxford College.  Attachment C

A motion was made by Eady, seconded by Baker to approve the first reading. The motion was approved 7/0.  

Street Patching Bid
City Manager Bob Schwartz said we have six locations in the city where we need to make extensive patching. These were caused either by the wear and tear on the road or by digging we had to do in order to repair utilities. We have returned to the low bidder who put in writing the requirement to follow the GDOT specifications. The low bid is $24,995.40. Schwartz said this project will be funded from the street paving item in the capital budget and we will offset what we can with our LMIG grant from GDOT. Schwartz recommended Council approve a purchase order for Southland Paving Co., LLC.
A motion was made by Windham, seconded by Holt to approve the bid from Southland Paving Co., LLC in the amount of $24,995.40 as requested. The motion was approved 7/0.  Attachment D


Invoice Approval






City Oxford Utilities

City Hall/Maintenance Facility/Old Church/Pump Station on Richardson Utilities for (Feb)


Georgia Municipal Association

Employee Retirement Contributions (March)



Health Insurance (March)


Latham Home Sanitation Co. Inc.

Monthly curbside service for February


Newton County BOC

KCNB- Storm Water Education Service Fee


Newton County BOC

Water Purchase Cornish Creek Water Fund for Jan


Newton County Water & Sewer

Monthly Sewer charges 01/30/17-02/27/17



IT in a Box  (March)


Southeastern Power Administration

SEPA energy cost  (January)


                                                       PURCHASES/CONTRACT LABOR

Beryl Budd

Professional Services- January & February


E.F. (Tres) Thomas, III, P.E.

Develop and Submit - 2016 Annual Storm Water Report


Anderson Grading & Pipeline

1” Copper Service on Airport Rd


Master Card Services

Plant Vogel Tour (Schwartz, Ready, Baker & Reid) - Hotel fees; Honorary Councilmember lunch; Oil change/maintenance- 2 maintenance vehicles; Copier/Printer- Police; etc.


Scarborough Tree Service

Tree Removal (Elm) on Emory and (Oak) Haygood


Scarborough Tree Service

Pine tree removal on Asbury St


Jimmy Harris Trucking, Inc

3 Loads of Gravel for Maintenance Dept. (stock)


HCS Services, LLC

Driveway Repair at 104 Longstreet Circle (water leak)





Legacy Mark, LLC

Cemetery Office Management System 50% down


University of Georgia

Oxford Proposal- Part 2 (Asbury Park Plans)


Omega Mapping Services

Ground Penetrating Radar, On-site GPS Field Collection, Computer Drafting, Cemetery Roster, Travel/Per Diem/Lodging/ Field Supplies


Jordan Engineering

Asbury Park-tree mapping, cost estimating, correspondence & sketch print for park; E. Clark St. extension- Civil plans, storm water/sewer design; Monthly update; George St. Trail- Route base mapping & civil plans; new field data & trail design; Sewer Areas 1 & 2- Plan submission to EPD Watershed Protection Branch GDOT GUPS; correspondence w/ Jody, Tres Thomas, GA EPD, NCWSA & URS.


A motion was made by Holt, seconded by Eady to approve payment of the invoices.  The motion was approved 7/0.


Respectfully submitted,

Lauran Willis
City Clerk