City Council Minutes December 18, 2017 Work Session

MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor; and Councilmembers: George Holt; Jim Windham; David Eady; Mike Ready; Sarah Davis, and Melvin Baker.

OTHERS PRESENT: Matt Pepper, Assistant City Manager; Dave Harvey, Chief; Lauran Willis, City Clerk; Jody Reid, Utility Superintendent; Hoyt Oliver, Kendra Mayfield, James Johnson, Teresa Welch, Judy Greer, Peggy Madden, Cheryl Ready, Jeff Wearing, Mike Besaw.

Agenda – Attachment A

The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor

Mayors Announcements:

Mayor Roseberry said the January regular session will be moved to January 8th and the work session will be moved to January 22, 2018 due to the holidays.    
East Georgia Correctional Services
City Clerk Lauran Willis said our 5 year contract with East Georgia Correctional Services is up for renewal. This company handles our probation cases for the Municipal Court at no cost to the city.  There was no objections in renewing the contract for another 5 years. 

Attachment B

Pierce Street Corridor Re-design

Kendra Mayfield with Oxford College presented a diagram of the proposed Pierce Street Corridor re-design depicting the proposed parking area on Pierce Street and removing the formerly proposed roundabout. After discussion Council requested a schematic showing the Monument area for more review. Kendra will bring a new schematic to the January 8, 2018 meeting for review.   Attachment C

Asbury Street Parking

Kendra Mayfield also presented a re-design of the parking behind Allen Memorial Church on the Asbury Street side depicting 8 parking spaces behind the church and 15 spaces on the opposite side to extend up to the George Street park area.  Eady said he would still like to entertain the idea of a survey to re-aligning Asbury Street to have it on a straight angle from Pierce to Clark.  He said this would increase the possibility of additional parking and green space. Roseberry said that this may be something we can do in the future.  Windham requested a revised sketch which shows only the parking area in discussion on Asbury Street and not to include the areas which council has already reviewed and turned down on the Whatcoat Street side. Kendra said they can produce a new sketch depicting only that area.  Roseberry said this will be on the January meeting for a vote.   Attachment D

Police Department
Councilmember Holt said that he along with Matt and Chief Harvey have been reviewing the possibility of reducing the department to 3 officers. Holt said it has been unclear of what the actual focus or direction council wants to take.  He said we need to determine how we want to structure it, if we want to go with 3 officers with more pay or if we want to stay with 4 officers and if so we need to research the pay to be competitive.  Mayor Roseberry said we have money in 2017 SPLOST that will cover any new police vehicles and equipment for the next 5 years.  Eady asked Chief Harvey to check with the College Campus regarding a memorandum of understanding of what they can are willing to assist with within the legal guidelines of enforcement.  Holt said they will continue their research and bring back to council more information at the next meeting.  

Code Enforcement Contractor
Assistant City Manager Matt Pepper presented to council a revised RFP which includes a statement of qualifications. After review and discussion all members were in favor of moving forward with the RFP. Attachment E Draft

Intergovernmental Agreement between the DDA and City Council

Assistant City Manager Matt Pepper said the DDA has asked that Sections 4, 5, and 6 of the IGA be revised before Council officially adopts the agreement.  They requested a diagram that shows the full extent of the transfer of land.  Mayor Roseberry said we need to add a clause that states that once they sale a property the funds come back to the City.  Attorney Strickland said the IGA should describe each project. He suggested either doing a global design or doing a piece by piece.  After further discussion Roseberry asked Attorney Strickland to meet with Frank Turner to work out the details. Windham requested they make the DDA aware and to consider a request from Mike Besaw to buy a portion of property for a driveway.  Attachment F Draft

DDA Funding Request
Assistant City Manager Matt Pepper said at their last meeting, the DDA made a motion to request that Council increase their budget allocation from $30,000 to $50,000 to cover the total costs of preparing E. Clark Street for future development.  After discussion all members were in agreement to raise the funds to the $50,000.

Latham Home Sanitation, Inc. Contract
Councilmember Holt requested that council continue discussions on the city’s current sanitation contract with Latham Home Sanitation prior to placing bids. After discussion it was agreed that Holt will talk with Latham regarding our current contract and bring back to council in January.   Attachment G

The regular session was adjourned at 7:00 PM.

Executive Session
Motion by Ready, seconded by Eady to go into Executive at 7:03 pm. Motion passed 7/0.
New Business:
Council discussed Personnel matters.

Motion by Ready, seconded by Eady to leave Executive Session at 7:10 pm. Motion passed 7/0.

There being no further business.
Motion by Eady, seconded by Davis to adjourn at 7:10 pm. Motion passed 7/0.

Respectfully Submitted;

Lauran Willis, CMC/FOA
City Clerk