City Council Minutes January 8, 2018 Regular Meeting

MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor; and Councilmembers: George Holt; Jim Windham; David Eady; Mike Ready; and Jeff Wearing, Councilmember Sarah Davis was not in attendance.

OTHERS PRESENT: Matt Pepper, Assistant City Manager; Dave Harvey, Chief; Jody Reid, Utility Superintendent; Stacey Mullen, Deputy City Clerk, Hoyt Oliver, LaTrelle Oliver, Kendra Mayfield, James Johnson, Teresa Welch, Darryl Welch, Judy Greer, Cheryl Ready, Mike Besaw, Nancy Green, Janice Wearing, Josh Roberts, Melvin Baker.

Agenda – Attachment A

The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor

Mayor’s Announcements:

Mayor Roseberry excused Lauran Willis, City Clerk, and Councilmember Davis from the meeting. In addition, he announced that city hall will be closed on Monday, January 15th in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Organizational Meeting

M. Qadar A. Baig, Solicitor for the City of Oxford Municipal Court, administrated the Oath of Office for Mayor and Councilmembers: Mayor Jerry Roseberry, Councilmembers George Holt – Post 2, Mike Ready - Post 3, David Eady – Post 4, Jim Windham – Post 5, Jeff Wearing – Post 6. Due to her absence, Councilmember Sarah Davis will receive the Oath of Office at a later date.  Attachment B

M. Qadar A. Baig administrated the Oath of Office to Police Chief David Harvey. Due to her absence, Lauran Willis will receive the Oath of Office at a later date.

A motion was made by Windham, seconded by Ready, to accept the agenda for January 9, 2017. The motion was approved 6/0. Attachment C


Mayor Roseberry said this is the time of year wherein Council appoints individuals for the following positions: City Attorney, City Judge, City Solicitor, City Clerk, and Police Chief.  

A motion was made by Windham, seconded by Ready, to reappoint those individuals currently serving in the following positions: City Attorney David Strickland, City Judge Steve Hathorn, City Solicitor Qader Baig, City Clerk Lauran Willis, and Police Chief Dave Harvey. The motion was approved 6/0.

Mayor Roseberry said that Council must elect a new Mayor Pro-Tem. Going in order of past appointments this year falls to Councilmember Jim Windham

A motion was made by Holt, seconded by Eady, to elect Jim Windham as Mayor Pro-Tem for calendar year 2018. The motion was approved 6/0.  Attachment D

Pierce Street Corridor Re-design

Kendra Mayfield and James Johnson with Oxford College presented a diagram of the proposed Pierce Street Corridor re-design depicting the proposed parking area on Pierce Street and removing the formerly proposed roundabout. Councilmember Windham and Eady expressed concern that the proposed design is rather different from what the college had presented at previous meetings. In addition, they stated that the college had not yet constructed the road that the delivery trucks would use to service the dining hall, per a prior agreement between the city and the college.

A motion was made by Windham, seconded by Eady, to table the discussion on the Pierce Street Corridor Re-design project until the January work session. Motion passed 6/0. Attachment E

Asbury Street Parking

Kendra Mayfield and James Johnson also presented a re-design of the parking behind Allen Memorial Church on the Asbury Street side depicting 8 parking spaces behind the church and 15 spaces on the opposite side to extend up to the George Street park area.  Councilmember Windham expressed concerns about disturbing the appearance of the grass by the dining hall. He continued that it would be appropriate for Council to consider parking on the east side of Asbury Street.  Attachment F - G

A motion was made by Windham to table the discussion on the Asbury Street Parking project until the January work session. Motion failed due to lack of a second.

A motion was made by Ready to approve the parking as depicted in the drawings. Motion failed due to lack of a second.

DDA Funding Request
Mayor Roseberry reviewed with the Council the DDA’s request to receive an increase in funding from $30,000 to $50,000 to pay for the planning and design of the future development  

A motion was made by Windham, seconded by Eady, to increase the DDA’s budget allocation from $30,000 to $50,000 to cover the total costs of preparing for future development. Motion passed 6/0.

Intergovernmental Agreement between the DDA and City Council

Mayor Roseberry reviewed the changes to Sections 4, 5, and 6 of the IGA. Councilmember Eady expressed concern that Section 6 of the IGA failed to mention the E. Clark Street right-of-way as part of the property to be deeded to the DDA. Mayor Roseberry suggest that the Council adopt the IGA, and amend the document at a later date.  Attachment H

A motion was made by Ready, seconded by Holt, to adopt the Intergovernmental Agreement with a revision to include Tract B (the E. Clark R-O-W) as part of Tract 2 under Section 6 of the agreement. Motion passed 6/0.

Invoice Approval

Councilmember Holt had a question regarding the invoice labeled GMA/TRM for $1,189.84. Stacey Mullen, Deputy City Clerk, explained that the city pays an annual fee for telecommunication consulting services. In addition, Councilmember Holt asked whether the $5,000 donation from Stu Segall Productions to the Historical Cemetery Society would be considered as part of their budgeted allotment for the fiscal year. Roseberry said this was a special donation from the production company for the use of and filming in the cemetery.

INVOICES OVER $1,000.00 





City Oxford Utilities

City Hall/Maintenance Facility/Old Church/Pump Station on Richardson Utilities for (November)


Blue Cross Blue Shield

Health Insurance (Jan)


Georgia Municipal Association

Employees Retirement  Inv. 329462


Latham Home Sanitation Co. Inc.

Monthly curbside service for November  


Newton County BOC 

Water Purchase Cornish Creek for November Inv#2365


Newton County BOC

Landfill fees for dumping of Commercial Brush


Newton County Water & Sewer

Plant Operations & Maintenance 10/30/17 -11/29/17


Newton County Water & Sewer

Plant Operations & Maintenance 11/29/17 – 12/28/17



Monthly IT Services January Inv#9325


Southeastern Power Admin.

SEPA energy cost  (Nov) Inv. B-18-0391


Utility Services Co., Inc.

Quarterly Tank maintenance 


                                                       PURCHASES/CONTRACT LABOR


Electrical Supplies



Plan Services for December


Card Services

Mayor Summit, Mayor & Assistant City Manager, lunch for Newton Co. Pavers, Covington Ford oil change manager car, other misc. 


City of Covington

E-911 Surcharges Annual Dispatch Services Fee


Consolidated Copier Services

Annual contract fees 10/31/17-10/31/18 Inv. AR44427



Telecommunications & Right of Way Mgmt.


Phoenix Personnel

Temporary Employment Svc. Week ending 12/17/17


The Covington News

Ads for Comprehensive Planning/Administrative Clerk and Police Officer.


Steven H. Hathorn

Legal services as Municipal Judge Oct-Dec


Treadwell, Tamplin & Co.

Interim billing services for FY2017 audit services





HCS Services Inc.

2nd Draw on George Street Trail Project


HCS Services Inc.

Final on George Street Trail Project


Pittman Construction Co., Inc.

Green Street Paving 2017 LMIG Project




Jordan Engineering

(Invoices 14360-14363)

Misc. questions re: sewer easements, George St. Trail, Asbury Park, & RW mapping projects. Site meeting w/Huie Stewart & Matt Pepper/ Correspondence w/AT&T, Arrange another utilities call for N. Emory between Stone & Pierce. GPS Robot Map various locations/cad research/field coordination/data mgmt. etc. 


Jordan Engineering

(Invoices 14316,14335,14336)

Prep exhibits & attend meeting Mgr. & Mayor/ GUPS GDOT comments, easement documents, etc./Control, traverse, recon, data collection etc. 


Oxford Historical Cemetery

Donation from Stu Segall Productions


Sumner Meeker, LLC.

Prep for dispositions, emails, etc. E. Clark St. property


Woco Pep Oil, Inc.

Fuel charges for December Inv#7421


Motion made by Holt, seconded by Eady, to approve invoices. Motion passed 6/0.


Motion made by Windham, seconded by Eady, to adjourn the Regular Session at 7:26 PM.

Respectfully Submitted;

Lauran Willis, CMC/FOA
City Clerk