City Council Minutes February 4, 2019 Regular Session

PRESENT: Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor; Council members: George Holt; Jim Windham; Mike Ready; David Eady; Jeff Wearing, Sarah Davis.  Staff members present: City Manager Matt Pepper, City Clerk Lauran Willis, Utilities Superintendent Jody Reid, Chief Dave Harvey, City Attorney David Strickland.

OTHERS PRESENT: Peggy Madden, Hoyt Oliver, Randy Simon, Laura Gaffney, and Danielle Miller from Oxford College, Nick Cole, Nita Carson, Cheryl Ready, Art & Laurie Vinson, Hurenza Lewis, and Marvin Johnson.   

1. The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor
2. Invocation was delivered by Hoyt Oliver
3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Motion to accept the Agenda for February 4, 2019 – Ready – Second – Wearing, approved unanimous 7/0.
     Attachment A

5. Consent Agenda - Approved unanimous 7/0.

6. Mayors Report
     Mayor Roseberry reminded everyone of the Arbor Day festivities on Saturday, February 10th at 10:00 AM,
     at City Hall.   Attachment B

7. Planning Commission Recommendations/Petitions

8.  Citizens Concern

9. Wesley Street and Pierce Street Road Improvements
     Randy Simon from Oxford College presented their site plan for the road improvements to the Wesley
     Street and Pierce Street intersection for Council approval.    
     Motion to approve by Holt – second – Wearing, approved unanimous 6/1 with Windham vote nay.

10. GEFA Loan Modification Resolution
      The Georgia Environmental Finance Authority has asked for an updated resolution for the project completion
      for the N. Emory Street Sewer Project.
      Motion by Ready – Second – Davis, approved unanimous 7/0.

11. City Representative with Newton County Water & Sewerage Authority.
       Motion to re-appoint Terry Smith – Holt – Second – Windham, approved unanimous 7/0.

12. 101 Longstreet Circle
       Mr. Hurenza Lewis of 117 Longstreet Circle has approached the city to express his interest in purchasing
       the city-owned propertied located at 101 Longstreet Circle for the construction of a home on the lot.
       Motion by Ready to put property out for bid. – second – Holt, approved unanimous 6/1 with Windham
       vote nay.

13. Invoice Approval
       Motion by Ready to approve invoices with City Manager and Chief Harvey research and verification
       regarding the E-911 charges – second Davis, approved unanimous 7/0.

Motion to adjourn regular session at 7:29 pm – Ready – Second – Davis, approved unanimous 7/0.

14. Executive Session
       Motion to go into an Executive Session at 7:32 pm – Ready – Second – Davis, approved unanimous 7/0.

       City Attorney Strickland updated Council regarding the East Clark Street Property.
       Council discussed the City Solicitor position. There was discussion regarding real-estate from
       Councilmember Windham.

       There being no further business:
       Motion to adjourn the Execution Session at 8:10 pm – Windham – second – Wearing, approved
       unanimous 7/0.

       Motion to return to Regular Session at 8:10 pm – Windham – second – Wearing, approved unanimous

       City Solicitor -
It was the consensus of Council to have City Clerk Lauran Willis invite applicant Cheryl
       Freeman to the February 18th work session.

       Motion to adjourn at 8:12 pm Windham – second – Davis, approved unanimous 7/0.  

Respectfully Submitted;

Lauran Willis, MMC/FOA
City Clerk