Oxford, GA - DDA Minutes February 25 2020


Minutes – February 25, 2020

MEMBERS: Mr. Jonathan Eady, Mr. Mike Ready, Ms. Danielle Miller, and Mr. Art Vinson. Mr. Brian Barnard and Mr. Ray Wilson were absent.

STAFF: Matthew Pepper, city manager and DDA secretary/treasurer.

GUESTS: Nick and Barbara Cole.

OPENING: At 6:04 PM, Mr. Ready called the meeting to order and welcomed the guests.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Upon motion of Mr. Eady, seconded by Ms. Miller, the minutes for the meeting on February 10, 2020 were approved. The vote was 4 – 0.

E. CLARK STREET ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: Mr. Ready briefly shared the history of the E. Clark Street Improvement project. The property was originally acquired by the city to complete road improvements, but the city has since deeded the land to the DDA. Mr. Pepper stated that the city is seeking to complete the original road improvements and is requesting input from the DDA. The DDA reviewed the preliminary plat drawn by the city engineer for the Request for Proposals for the proposed housing development along E. Clark Street. The preliminary plat is modeled after the concept drawing created for the development. Mr. Pepper stated that the city is in favor of the proposed E. Clark Street ending with a T-intersection as depicted in the preliminary plat. A gravel turnaround would be installed on the section of street that would intersect with E. Clark Street. Mr. Pepper further stated that the city’s plan is to gather a consensus between the Council and the DDA on the layout of the road before asking the city engineer to complete a full set of construction drawings. The DDA stated their support for the proposed street ending with a T-intersection. 


Motion by Mr. Eady, seconded by Ms. Miller, to enter the Executive Session at 7:24 PM . The vote was 4 – 0. 

The DDA discussed the potential acquisition and disposition of real estate.

Motion by Mr. Ready, seconded by Ms. Miller, to leave the Executive Session and return to the regular meeting at 8:19 PM. The vote was 4 – 0.

OTHER BUSINESS: The DDA discussed the authority’s recent vacancy created by Marth Molyneux’s resignation. The DDA will share their recommendations on who could fill the seat with the Mayor and Council. 

ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Ready adjourned the meeting at 8:25 PM.

Submitted by:

Matthew Pepper, Secretary/Treasurer