PRESENT: Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor; Council members: George Holt; Jim
Windham; Mike Ready; David Eady; Jeff Wearing, Sarah Davis. Staff members present: City Manager Matt
Pepper, City Clerk Lauran Willis, City Clerk Connie Middlebrooks, Utilities Department Scottie Croy, Chief
Dave Harvey, City Attorney David Strickland.
Madden, Hoyt Oliver, Laura Gafnea from Oxford College, Nick Cole, Juanita
Carson, Cheryl Ready, Art & Laurie Vinson, Monica Darrah, Ryan Barrett and
Mike Hesterley from the Newton County Democratic Party, Adrienne Waddey,
Michael McQuaide, Dave Huber, Melissa Hage, Judy Grier, and Erik Oliver.
1. The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D.
Roseberry, Mayor
2. Invocation was delivered by Hoyt Oliver
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Motion to accept the Agenda for March 4,
2019 – Ready – Second – Wearing, approved 4/2.
The vote was 4 in favor 2 opposed. While Mayor Roseberry and Councilmembers Wearing, Davis, and Ready were in favor to accept the agenda, Councilmembers Windham and Eady were opposed. The motion was approved.
Attachment A
5. Consent Agenda - Approved unanimous 7/0. Attachment B
6. Mayors Report
The vote was 4 in favor 2 opposed. While Mayor Roseberry and Councilmembers Wearing, Davis, and Ready were in favor to accept the agenda, Councilmembers Windham and Eady were opposed. The motion was approved.
7. Planning Commission Recommendations/Petitions
8. Citizens Concern
Juanita Carson addressed the Council regarding her disappointment that the solar tax was not on the
agenda. She expressed concerns about climate change and that Oxford citizens should be allowed to do their
part without additional penalties. Monica Darrah whom resides outside the city limits also addressed
Council regarding the solar tax. She gave examples of how long it would take a citizen to recoup the money
invested. Dave Huber expressed his concerns about Oxford’s standby capacity charge for distributed
generation technologies.
9. City Solicitor
Council appointed Cheryl Freeman to serve as City Solicitor for the remainder of 2019.
Motion to approve by Holt – second –Eady, approved unanimous 7/0.
10. Moore Street Sidewalk Project
Motion by Windham to continue the sidewalk on the south side of Moore
Street from Longstreet Circle to Emory Street – Eady Second – Motion Failed. Motion by Ready to stop sidewalk at existing raised crosswalk at the
soccer fields
No Second
– Motion Failed.
11. 107 W. Clark Street Renovation Project
Councilmember Wearing gave an update regarding the progress of the Yarbrough House. He stated that he
along with Councilmembers Windham, Ready, and Matt Pepper traveled to Athens to
meet with NEGRC Director of Planning and Government Services Burke Walker and NEGRC Project Specialist
Jordan Shoemaker. Mr. Walker and Mr. Shoemaker later came to tour the Yarbrough House and plan to
offer their recommendations for the project in approximately 1 to 2 weeks.
12. Committees for FY2020 Operating Budget and Capital Budget
Mayor Roseberry appointed committees to draft the FY2020 Operating Budget and Capital Budget. The
Operating Budget Committee consist of Councilmembers Ready, as Chairman, Wearing and Davis. The
Capital Budget Committee consist of Councilmembers Holt, as Chairman, Windham, and Eady.
13. Invoice Approval
Motion by Holt to approve
invoices - second Windham, approved unanimous 7/0.
to adjourn regular session at 7:24 pm – Ready – Second – Eady, approved
unanimous 7/0.
14. Executive Session
to go into an Executive Session at 7:28 pm – Windham – Second – Ready, approved
unanimous 7/0.
There being no further business:
Motion to adjourn the Execution Session at 7:32 pm – Eady – second – Ready, approved unanimous 7/0.
Connie Middlebrooks
City Clerk