D. Roseberry, Mayor; and Councilmembers: George Holt; Jim Windham; David Eady;
Mike Ready; and Jeff Wearing, Sarah Davis.
Pepper, Assistant City Manager; Dave Harvey, Chief; Jody Reid, Utility
Superintendent; Lauran Willis, City Clerk; Hoyt Oliver, Erik Oliver; Art
Vinson, Cheryl Ready.
The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D.
Roseberry, Mayor at 5:35 PM.
Agenda – Attachment A
Mayor Roseberry announced Hal Chitwood, Project Manager with Bureau Veritas had
a last minute schedule change and was unable to attend the meeting for the
presentation of the contract for building inspection services. This item will
be moved to the April 2, 2018 meeting.
Attachment B
Erik Oliver gave a presentation on the progress of the Yarborough House. Mayor Roseberry assigned an ad hoc committee to work with Oliver on the construction bids, and plans
for the Yarborough House. David Eady
will chair the committee, assisted by Jim Windham and Jeff Wearing.
Mayor Roseberry then called for discussion of the agenda
items which needed to be voted on.
Pole Attachment Service:
Motion was made by Windham, seconded
by Wearing to decline the proposal for the new cost allocation method for the
Pole Attachment Services. We will continue to pay the annual fixed fee. The
motion passed 7/0.
Street Deep Patching:
A motion was made by Windham, seconded by Wearing to award the proposal from
Designed Installations for $16,067, to be paid from the remainder of the FY2017
LMIG funds. The motion passed 7/0.
Attachment C
Budget Amendment Request:
A motion was made by Ready, seconded by Wearing to authorize City Clerk Lauran
Willis to make a budget amendment in the FY2018 Capital Budget for the second
half and final cost of the Cemetery Software. The motion passed 7/0. Attachment D
Roseberry said with the appointment of the ad
hoc committee for the Yarborough House there would be no Executive Session.
A motion was made by Windham,
seconded by Ready to adjourn at 5:59 PM. The motion passed 7/0.
MONDAY, MARCH 19, 2018 – 6:00 PM
D. Roseberry, Mayor; and Councilmembers: George Holt; Jim Windham; David Eady;
Mike Ready; and Jeff Wearing, Sarah Davis.
Matt Pepper, Assistant City Manager; Dave Harvey, Chief; Jody Reid, Utility
Superintendent; Lauran Willis, City Clerk; Hoyt Oliver, Erik Oliver; Art
Vinson, Cheryl Ready.
Items Discussed:
Water System Master Plan
Mayor Roseberry said The Newton County Water Authority is asking whether or not
the city would like to be a partner in creating a county-wide Water System
Master Plan. Roseberry said this is already being negotiated.
Attachment E
FY2019 Operating Budget
Councilmember Mike Ready presented the first draft of the FY2019 Operating Budget. After review it was determined that item 9-b Professional – Yarborough House Project Manager should be moved to the Capital Budget. Ready proposed increasing the fee for trash & recycling by $3.00 to help offset the cost of providing the service. Ready also mentioned the creation of the Parks & Recreation Department within the operating budget. He also said that the city will include in the Sanitation Fund the costs to operate our sanitation services. In addition, Ready said that Council should start reviewing the possibility of an increase in the millage rate.
Attachment F
FY2019 Capital Budget
Councilmember George Holt presented the first draft of the FY2019 Capital Budget. Holt said the item #7 Asbury Street Parking will be changed to show 10-12 spaces and figures were not yet available from the City Engineer. Item #22 Police Department – Radio Upgrade will be removed as this project is no longer being considered. He discussed item #30 Public Works vehicles and equipment in relation to creating a long term depreciation account for these and other items for depreciation. Attachment G
A motion was
made by Windham, seconded by Ready to adjourn the meeting at 6:35PM. The motion
passed 7/0.
Respectfully Submitted;
Lauran Willis, CMC/FOA
City Clerk