PRESENT: Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor; Council members: George Holt; Jim Windham; Mike Ready; David Eady;
Jeff Wearing, Sarah Davis. Staff members present: City Manager Matt Pepper, City Clerk Connie
Middlebrooks, Utility Superintendent Jody Reid, Police Chief Dave Harvey, City Attorney David Strickland.
OTHERS PRESENT: Peggy Madden, Hoyt Oliver, Laura Gafnea from Oxford College, Juanita Carson, Art & Laurie
Vinson, Monica Darrah, James and Adrienne Waddey, Angela Pilgrim, Anderson Wright, Bill and Karen Couch,
Dave Huber, Melissa Hage, and Judy Greer.
1. The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor
2. Invocation was delivered by Hoyt Oliver
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Motion to accept the Agenda for April 1, 2019 – Ready – Second – Wearing, approved unanimous 7/0.
5. Consent Agenda - Approved unanimous 7/0.
6. Mayors Report
Mayor Roseberry informed everyone that on Tuesday April 2nd at 6 P.M. the Mayors and City Managers from
the five municipalities in Newton County will meet with the Newton County Board of Commissioners at the
Historic Court House to discuss the service delivery strategy.
7. Planning Commission Recommendations/Petitions
9. Distributed Generation Rider
Councilmember Eady made a motion to remove the residential standby capacity charge of $11.15 per kw
from the city’s distributed generation tariff.
Motion – second –Windham, approved unanimous 7/0.
10. Asbury Street Park Sidewalk
Motion by Councilmember Windham to proceed with the change order for HCS Services to construct the 60 feet of elevated boardwalk for $10,920
Motion – second – Eady, approved unanimous 7/0.
11. Moore Street Sidewalk Project
Councilmember Windham made the motion to construct the sidewalk on the southside of Moore street
from Longstreet Circle to Haygood Street, add crosswalk at the intersection of Haygood and Moore Street,
and extend the existing sidewalk located on the north side of Moore Street to Emory Street.
Motion – second – Holt, approved unanimous 7/0.
12. Consecutive Water System Agreement
Mayor Roseberry explained what the Consecutive Water System Agreement is and how Newton County
calculates the wholesale rates for the water and sewer they provide to the five municipalities. This discussion was a continuation from Item 6 (Mayor’s Report) on the agenda and how it relates to the service delivery strategy. The Mayor did advise there will not be an increase in the wholesale water rate in FY2020.
13. Bid for 101 Longstreet Circle Lot
Motion by Holt to accept the bid received from Mr. Maurice Mack for $6,000.00 for the purchase of the
lot located at 101 Longstreet Circle.
Motion - second Ready, approved 6/1. Six in favor with Councilmember Windham opposed.
14. Invoice Approval
Motion by Holt to approve March invoices - second Wearing, approved unanimous 7/0.
Motion by Holt to adjourn regular session at 7:18 pm – Second – Windham, approved unanimous 7/0.
Connie Middlebrooks
City Clerk