PRESENT: Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor; Council members: Jim Windham; Mike Ready; David Eady; Jeff Wearing, Sarah Davis. Staff members present: City Clerk Connie Middlebrooks, Utility Superintendent Jody Reid, Police Chief Dave Harvey, City Attorney David Strickland. Councilmember George Holt and City Manager Matt Pepper were not present.
OTHERS PRESENT: Peggy Madden, Hoyt Oliver, Nick Cole, Cheryl Ready, Art & Laurie Vinson, Michael McQuaide, Dave Huber, Melissa Hage, Judy Greer, Grady Spradley, and Gwen Green.
1. The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor
2. Invocation was delivered by Hoyt Oliver
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Motion to accept the Agenda for June 3, 2019
Mayor Roseberry requested that a motion be made to amend the agenda to include an update on the service delivery strategy negotiations with the county.
Motion to amend by Windham – Second – Wearing - Approved unanimous 6/0
Attachment A
5. Consent Agenda - Approved unanimous 6/0. Attachment B
6. Mayors Report
Mayor Roseberry informed Council of the passing of City Manager Matt Pepper’s grandmother on Friday. Funeral services were held Monday June 3, 2019.
7. Planning Commission Recommendations/Petitions
8. Citizens Concern
Mr. Hoyt Oliver (312 West Clark Street) expressed his concerns with the proposed name for the new park. He expressed that “City Park” is to mundane and ignores the fact that the city has multiple parks and not just this one. He requested that Council not settle for such an uninteresting name but that they consider a name that is more descriptive and inviting and would preserve the natural beauty of the property. Gwen Green (1214 Godfrey Street) addressed Council about her concerns of the overgrown cedar tree located at the Post Office. Mayor Roseberry informed Ms. Green that the property owner was responsible for the maintenance of the landscape but that he would contact him and request that he address the safety concerns with the tree. Ms. Green also requested any updates to her request in the May Regular Session for the city to assist Ms. Mary Hutchinson (1105 Hull Street) with repairs to her driveway. Superintendent Jody Reid advised Ms. Green that the city had reached out to contractors for assistance with the much needed repairs.
9. Service Delivery Strategy
Fire Service Intergovernmental Agreement – Newton County has agreed to provide fire and emergency medical service to the City of Oxford for an annual fee of 150% of the unincorporated area fire tax rate which is currently .84 mills.
Motion to approve Fire Service Intergovernmental Agreement by Ready – Second – Davis, approved unanimous 6/0.
Water Service Intergovernmental Agreement – Newton County has not yet finalized the intergovernmental agreement related to the Consecutive Water System. The county attorney has requested a third extension be approved by the municipalities. The agreement was originally due on June 30, 2018 and the county has already been granted two extensions. Mayor Roseberry recommended the third extension not be approved.
Motion to not approve extension – Windham – Second – Wearing, approved unanimous 6/0.
10. Police Department
Chief Harvey addressed Council on his request to approve the position for a fourth officer. He stated his concerns of providing adequate patrol of the new park as well as being able to extend hours for which the city has police coverage. Mayor Roseberry requested that Council take into consideration the new shopping center and apartment complex being constructed between Alcovy and City Pond Road that will create more traffic for the City of Oxford. The Mayor also questioned how much support from the county does the city receive, at which Chief Harvey responded that the county is shorthanded but help when possible. Ms. Green asked if the park would have 24-hour camera surveillance and if the city is supported by the college police department. Chief Harvey responded that the park would have 24-hour camera surveillance but that the college police department is only allowed to patrol properties belonging to the college. Councilmember Ready advised council that the FY2020 Operating Budget did take into consideration a fourth officer Police Department. The increase is based around salary and benefits.
Motion to approve fourth officer – Eady – Second - Wearing, approved unanimous 6/0.
11. FY2020 Operating Budget and Capital Budget
Councilmember Ready advised Council that no changes had been made to the Capital Budget since the last review.
Motion to adopt FY2020 Operating and Capital Budgets – Ready – Second – Wearing, approved Unanimous 6/0.
12. 107 W. Clark Street Renovation Project
Councilmember Wearing advised Council the committee had meet with Ms. Shoemaker from the Northeast Georgia Regional Commission on Thursday, May 30, 2019. He recommended to Council that they accept the proposal submitted by Carter & Watkins Associates to renovate the property. Councilmember Wearing advised Council the proposal did not include a landscape architect. If they accept the proposal from Carter & Watkins, the company has fourteen days to find a suitable landscaper.
Motion to accept proposal from Carter & Watkins Associates – Wearing – Second – Windham, approved unanimous 6/0.
13. City Park Name
After taking into consideration the citizen concerns of Mr. Hoyt Oliver, Councilmember Eady recommended staying with the name Asbury Street Park. Ms. Cheryl Ready informed Council that the Grand Opening for the park had been postponed until possibly Saturday, July 13, 2019.
Motion to name the new park Asbury Street Park – Eady – Second – Ready, approved unanimous 6/0.
14. Tourism Product Development Report
Council unanimously agreed to participate in the creation of a Tourism Product Development Report for the county so long as there was no other cost to the city. The report will be completed with help from the Georgia Department of Economic Development.
Motion to Participate in Tourism Product Development Report – Windham – Second – Wearing, approved unanimous 6/0.
15. Planning Commission Appointment
Mayor Roseberry informed Council there had not been a suitable nomination for the vacant seat on the Planning Commission.
16. Grand Marshal for July 4th Parade
The City Clerk’s office had received a request that Mr. Anderson Wright be considered as Grand Marshal for the 2019 Fourth of July Parade. Council unanimously agreed Mr. Wright was a prime candidate for the position.
Motion to approve July 4th Parade Grand Marshal – Davis – Second – Wearing - approved unanimous 6/0.
17. Invoice Approval
Motion by Eady to approve invoices - second Ready, approved unanimous 6/0.
Adjourn: 7:34 pm
18. Executive Session
Motion to go into an Executive Session at 7:39 pm – Ready – Second – Wearing, approved unanimous 6/0.
City Attorney David Strickland updated Council on ongoing litigations.
Motion to adjourn the Execution Session at 7:45 pm – Wearing – second – Ready, approved unanimous 6/0.
Motion to Adjourn 7:46 pm – Wearing – Second – Ready, approved unanimous 6/0.
Respectfully Submitted;
Connie Middlebrooks
City Clerk