City Council Minutes July 2, 2018 Regular Session

MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor; and Councilmembers: George Holt; Jim Windham; David Eady; Mike Ready; Jeff Wearing, and Sarah Davis.

OTHERS PRESENT: Matt Pepper, City Manager; Dave Harvey, Chief; Lauran Willis, City Clerk; Jody Reid, Superintendent; Hoyt Oliver, Teresa Welch, Cheryl Ready, Patsy Burke, Judy Greer, Erik Oliver, Peggy Madden.

The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor

Invocation was delivered by Hoyt Oliver
Pledge of Allegiance – All

Agenda Amendments
Mayor Roseberry requested to amend the agenda to add a request from County Attorney, Aaron Meyer for the city to approve an extension of the deadline for the next Service Delivery Strategy to October 31. (Attachment A)

Motion was made by Mike Ready, seconded by Jeff Wearing to accept the amendment of the agenda and to approve the extension of the Service Delivery Strategy with Newton County until October 31.  Motion passed 7/0.

Mayor Roseberry requested to amend the agenda to include discussion regarding the Property Tax Digest. 

Motion was made by Eady, seconded by Windham to accept the amendments of the agenda. Motion passed 7/0.    (Attachment B)

Approved, 7/0.  (Attachment C)

Honorary Councilmember
Councilmember Eady has appointed Melissa Hage as Honorary Councilmember for June. Because of her travel schedule she will attend the work session in July.

Mayor’s Reports

City Clerk Lauran Willis gave report on the Property Tax Digest with dates and times of the required meetings. Willis said that the 2018 Millage Rate digest is set at 6.622 with a Rollback Millage Rate set at 5.932. If we maintain the current millage rate of 6.62 mills, this will require three public hearings. If we go with the proposed rollback rate of 5.932, this would only require one public hearing and adoption.   
A motion was made by Ready, seconded by Eady to approve to maintain the current millage rate of 6.622 in taxes based on the current 2018 Millage Rate.  Motion passed 6/1 with Councilmember Holt voting Nay.

Mayor Roseberry gave an update of the Police Department statistics.

Planning Commission Recommendations/Petitions

Citizens’ Concerns
Hoyt Oliver reminded everyone of the Community Picnic at Old Church on Tuesday night July 3, at 6:30 sponsored by the Oxford Historical Society.    

Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance Change for Sec. 20-1.-Disorderly Conduct

A motion was made by Windham, seconded by J. Wearing to approve the amendment to Section 20-1 Disorderly Conduct.  Motion passed 7/0.  (Attachment D)

First Reading on an Amendment to Section 6-33- State Minimum Standards and Permissive Codes Adopted.
City Manager Matt Pepper presented the first reading for a proposed amendment to Section 6-33 of the city’s current building ordinance. With this amendment, the city adopts all building codes and standards as currently adopted by the State of Georgia.

107 W. Clark Street Renovation Project
Councilmember Eady gave a report from the ad hoc Yarbrough House Renovation Committee and presented three quotes for the Yarbrough House renovation.

A motion was made by Eady, seconded by J. Wearing to accept the quote from JACO Contracting Inc. for the Yarbrough House renovation as stated in the task of work listed as per the memo from Councilmember Eady dated July 2, 2018, to include the standing seam roof made of galvalume and color similar to City Hall for a total of $29,300. The motion was passed 7/0. (Attachment E)

Tree Removal Bids for 107 W. Clark Street

City Manager Matt Pepper said we have received two bids for the removal of the tree line along the east and south sides of the property located at 107 W. Clark Street.  A recommendation was made to award the purchase order to HCS Services for $10,700, to include breakdown of items to include that contractor will supply all labor and equipment, locate and disconnect all utilities, roll off containers T&D, grade and balance with dirt on site, and seed and straw site on completion.   
A Motion was made by Eady seconded by Windham to accept the bid from HCS Services including the above listed items for $10,700. The motion passed 7/0. (Attachment F)

ECG Legislative and Regulatory Services
City Manager Matt Pepper said Electric cities of Georgia (ECG) has offered legislative and regulatory services to its member cities. This new service will focus on current, proposed, and pending state legislation that impacts member cities’ distribution systems. The estimated annual cost for this service is $873. He recommended Council approve this service with ECG.
A motion was made by Ready, seconded by J. Wearing to endorse this service with ECG. The motion passed 7/0.

Appointment to the Downtown Development Authority
City Manager Matt Pepper said that Danielle Miller has been recommended to fill the vacancy left by Kendra Mayfield on the city’s Downtown Development Authority (DDA).
A motion was made by Eady, seconded by Holt to approve the appointment of Danielle Miller to the DDA. The motion passed 7/0.

Asbury Street Park
City Manager Matt Pepper said we are waiting on the landscape plans from the Landscape Architect.

Invoice Approval

INVOICES OVER $1,000.00 





Blue Cross Blue Shield

Health Insurance Employees (7/1 – 8/1)


City of Oxford Utilities

City Hall/Maintenance Facility/Old Church/Pump Station on Richardson/107 W. Clark St. Utilities for (May)


Georgia Municipal Association

GMEBS/Retirement Trust Fund (June) Inv. 338771


Latham Home Sanitation

Waste/Recyclables (June)


NC Board of Commissioners

Monthly water purchase for May Inv. 2423 


NC Water & Sewerage Authority

Plant Operations & Maintenance 4/17/18 – 5/30/18


Southeastern Power Admin.

SEPA energy cost  (May) Inv. B-18-2089



Software/ Technical Maintenance (July)


                                                       PURCHASES/CONTRACT LABOR

MasterCard Services

Hotel & Conference Jekyll Island for Jody and Scottie GRWA/ECG Conference Jody/Parade items/folding chairs for events at Maintenance Facility/Stamps for delinquent billing. Various other charges.


McNair, McLemore, Middlebrooks

Charles Hall, CPA Professional Services, onsite bookkeeping assistance and meeting with City Manager


Northeast Georgia Regional Commission

FY2019 Per Capita Dues


Phoenix Personnel

Temporary Service Week ending 6/12/2018


Phoenix Personnel

Temporary Service Week ending 6/26/2018


Steven A. Hathorn

Legal Municipal Judger April – June


Tres Thomas, III P.E.

Develop & Submit 2017-2022 Storm Water Management Program





Arbor Equity Inc.

Pruning 15 trees various areas around city.


HCS Services

Sewer Tap 1226 Emory Street


Jordan Engineering

GDOT Hwy 81 & Soule GUPS correspondence and tree removal emails and calls. Civil plans, calculations, details, Asbury park civil plans, design and coordination for underground stormwater mgmt. facility. Data management. Field coordination etc. 


A motion was made by George Holt, seconded by Ready, to approve invoices. The motion was passed 7/0.

Executive Session
A motion was made by Windham, seconded by Eady to go into an Executive Session at 8:00 PM.

City Manager Matt Pepper and Utility Superintendent Jody Reid updated Council on the negotiations regarding a sewer easement with the property owner at 1008 Emory Street. 

A motion was made by Ready, seconded by Davis to leave the Executive Session at 8:09 PM. Motion passed 7/0.
A motion was made by Ready, seconded by Davis to go back into Regular Session at 8:09 PM. Motion passed 7/0.

A motion was made by Eady, seconded by Ready to authorize the City Manager Matt Pepper and Utility Superintendent Jody Reid to continue negotiations with the property owner.  Motion passed 7/0

A motion was made by J. Wearing, seconded by Eady to adjourn at 8:15 PM.  Motion passed 7/0.

Respectfully Submitted;

Lauran Willis, CMC
City Clerk