MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor; and Councilmembers: George Holt; Jim Windham; Mike Ready; Jeff Wearing; David Eady and Sarah Davis.
OTHERS PRESENT: Matt Pepper, Assistant City Manager; Dave Harvey, Chief; Stacey Mullen, Deputy City Clerk; Scottie Croy, Maintenance Worker II; Hoyt Oliver, Cheryl Ready, Art Vinson, Laurie Vinson, Judy Greer, Peggy Madden, Louise Eady, Mike McQuaide, Darryl Welch, with the Covington News, Randy Simon, Laura Gafnea, Danielle Miller, and Dean Douglas Hicks with Oxford College.
The meeting was called to order by the Honorable Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor
A motion was made by Jeff Wearing, seconded by Sarah Davis, to accept the agenda for October 15, 2018 Mayor and Council Special Called Meeting.
Mayor Roseberry announced that the special called meeting was to consider the variance request from Oxford College to build within the 20-ft setback for the proposed Campus Life Center project. Also, he announced council would consider a motion to approve the city’s request to rezone seven city-owned lots from “R-20” to “Institutional” in preparation for the construction of the city park.
A motion was made by George Holt, seconded by Mike Ready, to accept the variance request from the College. The motion was approved 7/0.
A motion was made by Jeff Wearing, seconded by David Eady, to approve the request to rezone the seven city-owned lots from “R-20” to “Institutional” for the construction of the city park.
A motion was made by George Holt, seconded by Jeff Wearing, to adjourn the Special Called Meeting at 6:04PM.
Respectfully Submitted;
Stacey Mullen, Deputy City Clerk