PRESENT: Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor; Council members: George Holt; Jim Windham; Mike Ready; David Eady; Jeff Wearing, Sarah Davis was not present. Staff members present: City Manager Matt Pepper, City Clerk Lauran Willis, Utilities Superintendent Jody Reid, Chief Dave Harvey, City Attorney David Strickland.
OTHERS PRESENT: Hoyt Oliver, Cheryl Ready, Art and Laura Vinson, Peggy Madden, Laura Gafnea, Director of Community Relations with Oxford College; Mike McQuade, Danielle Miller, James Johnson and Randy Simon with Oxford College; Gwen Green, Anderson Wright, Adrienne Waddey, James Waddey, Dave Huber, Dana Payne.
1. The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D.Roseberry, Mayor
2. Invocation was delivered by Hoyt Oliver
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approval of Agenda - Motion to
approve – Wearing – Second – Ready, approved unanimous 6/0.
5. Consent
Agenda - Approved unanimous 6/0.
6. Mayors
Mayor Roseberry announced that Oxford is being considered for the Bike
Ride Across Georgia. Once approved through
Newton County Chamber the event will take place on June 4th, 2019 with an
anticipated 1200 riders.
Mayor Roseberry proposed to council moving the December 17 work session to
January 7th at 6:00 prior to the Organizational meeting at 7:00.
Motion to approve – Holt - Seconded – Wearing, approved unanimous 6/0.
Mayor Roseberry said that he and City Manager Matt Pepper
attended the Mayors Summit on Friday and Saturday, November 9th
where the main topic of discussion was regarding Plant Vogel.
7. Planning
Commission Recommendations/Petitions
City Manager Matt Pepper presented a recommendation from the Planning
Commission to install a crosswalk on Emory Street between Emory Way and
Collingsworth; and construct a sidewalk that continues along the east side of
Emory Street from Soule to E. Richardson.
This item will be discussed at a future work session.
8. Citizens Concern
Gwen Green 1214 Godfrey
Street requested Council research the drainage issue at Soule Street and the
trail to the back of her house. City Manager Matt Pepper and Utility
Superintendent Jody Reid will investigate and report back to council.
9. Request from Oxford College for Temporary Sidewalk
for Campus Life Center Project
Motion to approve - Windham – second – Wearing, approved unanimous 6/0.
10. 107 W. Clark
Street Renovation Project
Councilmember Wearing reported this is an ongoing project, phase 1 is
nearing completion. The ad hoc
committee will meet on Wednesday, December 5 and report back to Council at the
next meeting.
11. 810
Whatcoat Lease with Oxford College
Motion to approve - Holt – Second – Windham, approved unanimous 6/0.
12. Asbury Street Park Playground and
City Manager Matt Pepper presented two proposals for the playground and
surfacing equipment.
Motion to approve PO to Kompan, Inc.
for $108,415.68 - Ready – Second – Holt, approved unanimous 6/0.
13. Change Order for Asbury Street Park
City Manager Matt Pepper said when preparing the soil for the park the
contractor unearthed a large pit filled with refuse. The contractor had to excavate and dispose of
the garbage and unsuitable soil and import fill dirt in excess of what was
originally budgeted resulting in a change order in the amount of $11,767.75.
Motion to approve - Holt – Seconded –
Windham, approved unanimous 6/0.
14. Discussion on City Finances
Mayor Roseberry said the largest operating and maintenance items in the
city’s budget are inventory, personnel, and equipment. Roseberry appointed an ad hoc committee to work on these items
and present their findings to the City Council no later than February 28, 2019.
Committee Chairman – Mike Ready with members George Holt and Jeff Wearing.
15. Finance
City Clerk Lauran Willis said that with the month end October 2018 cash
report we have exceeded the approved range of cash in the General Fund
operating account. City Clerk requested authorization to transfer $300,000 from
the Electric Fund Cash and $300,000 from the Water Fund Cash and deposit those
funds into the Georgia Fund 1 Investment Pool.
Discussion regarding Verizon lease revenue. It was unanimous that the
receipt of this
revenue will remain in the General Fund.
Motion to approve transfer of
$600,000 to Georgia Fund 1 - Holt– Second – Windham, approved unanimous 6/0.
16. Planning Commission Appointments
City Manager Matt Pepper said that Jonathan Eady and Juanita Carson
will end their terms as members of the Planning Commission at the end of this
year. Both members have indicated that they are willing to serve another 3-year
term starting in January 2019. Pepper made recommendation to Council to
reappoint them to the Planning Commission for another 3-year term effective
January 1, 2019.
Motion to approve - Windham – Second
– Wearing, approved unanimous 6/0.
17. Invoice
Motion to approve invoices as presented - Holt – Second – Eady, approved
unanimous 6/0.
18. Adjourn
Motion to adjourn regular session at 7:48pm. - Windham – Second – Wearing,
approved unanimous 6/0.
19. Executive Session
Motion to go into an Executive Session at 7:55pm. - Windham – Second – Wearing,
approved unanimous 6/0.
Motion to leave the Executive Session at 8:32pm – Windham – Second - Wearing,
approved unanimous 6/0.
No further business:
Motion to adjourn at 8:32pm – Windham
– Second - Ready, approved unanimous 6/0.
Items #: 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, and 13.
Respectfully Submitted;
Lauran Willis, MMC/FOA
City Clerk