City Council Minutes January 23, 2017 Work Session

MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 2017 – 6:00 P.M.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor; Councilmembers: Sarah Davis; George Holt; David Eady; Melvin Baker; Mike Ready; Jim Windham.

OTHERS PRESENT: Bob Schwartz, City Manager; Dave Harvey, Chief; Stacey Mullen, Deputy City Clerk; Jody Reid, Utility Superintendent; Randy and Sarah Vinson, Erik Oliver and sons Simon, Lucus, and Arthur, Grady Spradley, Juanita Carson, Theresa Eady, Mary Carter, Don Henderson, Kendra Mayfield, Louise Eady, Anderson Wright, Todd Cain, Danny and Sarah Standard, Jeff Wearing, J.P. Godfrey, Hoyt Oliver, Terri Fullerton and daughter Audrey, Laura McCanless, Michael and Sheena Thomas, Georgette Izen.


The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor.
Agenda – Attachment A

Mayors Announcements:
Mayor Roseberry announced the honorary councilmember for February is Lisa Dorward as nominated by Councilmember George Holt. Mr. Holt introduced Lisa and gave a brief biography of Lisa’s life in Oxford.
Attachment B
2011 SPLOST - Mayor Roseberry said, the county has confirmed that the 2011 SPLOST base amount has been collected as of December 2016. The current 2011 SPLOST expires June 30, 2017.  Roseberry said that the Mayors and Newton County Tomorrow are discussing ways to promote the upcoming 2017 SPLOST. Voting will be March 17, 2017.  

2017 SPLOST - Mayor Roseberry said he is appointing Hoyt Oliver to chair a citizen’s committee to lead the 2017 SPLOST efforts in Oxford.  The city cannot contribute funds or employees but can offer meeting space and access to records that are normally available to any citizens.

Inspections of Rental Properties
Mayor Roseberry said that Council has discussed the need for inspections of rental properties and said he will ask the city attorney to draft ordinances that will be presented to Council next month for a first reading. The idea of this ordinance is before the city will turn on utilities the home must be inspected to assure the safety of the occupants and citizens.

Mayors Notes – Attachment C

Minor Subdivision
City Manager Bob Schwartz said the Planning Commission received a request from Danny and Sarah Standard for a minor subdivision at the corner of Fletcher and Wesley Street. The request is to divide the lot in half to construct a new house for their brother and sister in law.  Schwartz presented a plat of the property based on the recommendations of the Planning Commission. Due to the questionable position of a shed at the corner of the property a new plat will be drafted.  The Planning Commission is recommending approval. This item will be on the agenda for February 6th for a vote. Attachment D

City Manager Bob Schwartz introduced Randy Vinson, Landscape Architect, Land Planner and Urban Designer who will present ideas and concepts for development in Oxford.  Vinson presented the ideas and explained these ideas are based on studies from the University of Georgia Metropolitan Design Studio from the past years.  Vinson said that the revisions from the plans a decade ago shrinks the total scope of the project to incorporate only the properties the city owns such as the farmers market lot and the East Clark Street expansion. After giving citizens a chance to ask questions and express their concerns, Mayor Roseberry reminded everyone that this is just a proposal that no decisions have been made at this time.

Consent Agenda
Mayor Roseberry said he would like to implement the adoption of a consent agenda starting with the February meeting.  This is to consolidate motions and reduce time spent during the meetings.

Police Department Software
Chief Harvey presented discussion regarding an upgrade to new software for ticket writing and request to increase the court fines to fund the new upgrade. This upgrade will require a printer for each patrol car. The cost of the printers is $2608.00. Schwartz suggested to amend the capital budget contingency fund.  After discussion the decision was to wait until the FY2018 budget for the printers. Chief Harvey said he would like to proceed with the software upgrade, maintenance cost for the upgrade will come from the Courtware budget per ticket issued.  Chief Harvey said that history shows our fine amounts have not been increased in 10 years.  Mayor Roseberry suggested he research to see what it will take to change the fine amounts. Attachment E

Longstreet Circle
City Manager Bob Schwartz said we have received one bid of $1,000 for the property located at 101 Longstreet Circle.  Council expressed no interest in selling the property based on this bid.  The request was declined.

Surplus Property Bids
The city has received bids on 2 city vehicles; 1 on the 1994 GMC Truck, bid given by Archie Ballard in the amount of $501.50; 2 bids for the 2008 Chevrolet Impala, bid received from Jeffrey Brooks in the amount of $1001.00 and 2nd bid received from Khamis Mohamed in the amount of $755.00. 
A motion was made by Windham, seconded by Eady to approve bids of Ballard and Brooks. The motion was approved 7/0.  Attachment F

DDA (Downtown Development Authority)
City Manager Bob Schwartz explained a DDA and its functions. Schwartz explained how a DDA can effectively manage, while the city still has control. The DDA consist of seven members of who must have ties to Oxford. In addition a council member can participate as a member of the DDA if appointed by Council.  Mayor Roseberry said the process of having a DDA is to provide future access for revenue. The ad hoc DDA committee will decided the proposed area to be covered by the DDA and present the decisions to Council. This will be a part of the Resolution at the February meeting that will activate the DDA.    


Electrical System 

Utility Superintendent Jody Reid requested guidance on the electrical system upgrade for the FY2017 budget. After reducing locations we have reduce the cost to approximately $102,000 ($117,000 including equipment).  After discussion City Manager Bob Schwartz said they will review the project and cost again and try to reduce the cost not to exceed $117,000.00.  Attachment G

Oxford Walks through History
Councilmember Windham presented pamphlets designed to give detailed history of Oxford along trail paths. The pamphlets will be available to people when visiting Oxford.   Attachment H

Farmers Market
Councilmember Eady said he is currently waiting on information from Daniel Parson, head of Emory Organic Farm to write a draft of rules for City Council to review. 

Future Development Plan
City Manager Bob Schwartz said the Planning Commission is recommending an amendment to the zoning ordinance section 40-349 future development plan requirements at the request of Oxford College. The amendment would require a public hearing.  Attachment I


Councilmembers Windham and Eady presented a status report from their meeting with Corning RG Fiber. Eady said the numbers on the marketing analysis would make investment viable. He said RG Fiber specializes in small communities.  Attachment J

Projects Status and Engineer’s Progress Reports
This item was tabled due to time restraints. City Manager Bob Schwartz announced that the Arbor Day celebration will be held at the new dining hall of Oxford College on February 11th at 10:00 am.


A motion was made by Windham, seconded by Ready to adjourn at 7:54 pm.  The motion was approved 7/0.

Respectfully submitted,

Lauran Willis, CMC/FOA
City Clerk