MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2017 – 6:00 P.M.
D. Roseberry, Mayor; Councilmembers: Sarah Davis; George Holt; David Eady; Melvin
Baker; Mike Ready; Jim Windham.
OTHERS PRESENT: Bob Schwartz, City Manager; Dave Harvey, Chief; Lauran Willis, City
Clerk; Jody Reid, Utility Superintendent; Mary Carter, Kendra Mayfield, Todd
Cain, Jeff Wearing, Hoyt & LaTrelle Oliver, Sarah Sattanno, Tara Vakili,
Jason Thomas, Peggy Madden, Judy Greer, Don Henderson, Daniel Parson.
The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D.
Roseberry, Mayor.
Agenda – Attachment-A
Mayors Announcements/SPLOST
Mayor Roseberry asked Hoyt Oliver, Chairman of the 2017 SPLOST Committee to
give an update on the 2017 SPLOST initiative.
Oliver said that the committee has completed their research and has put
together a flyer that will be mailed to the citizens of Oxford encouraging their
participation in the upcoming 2017 SPLOST special election. Roseberry reminded everyone that the 2017
SPLOST Committee is funded by the Committee and donations from citizens.
Farmers Market
Councilmember David Eady presented a draft copy of the rules and site design
prepared by the Farmers Market Committee.
Eady said they used the rules and regulations for the Emory farmers
market to create a working draft for the Oxford Farmers Market. The site design was created based on
discussion at the last meeting. The design includes parking along the west side
of the greenspace, and it envisions a wooden fence along the east side (near
the sidewalk). The design suggests signs on the north and south ends of the
property to direct visitors to the entrance and exit with a gravel surface for
vehicle traffic. Eady invited comments for
further discussion. Attachment B
Future Development Plan
City Manager Bob Schwartz said the Planning Commission is recommending an
amendment to the zoning ordinance to meet the needs concerning the future
development plan required for Oxford College. City Attorney David Strickland provided
a draft ordinance amendment. Schwartz announced there will be a Public Hearing on
March 6, 2017 at 7:00 pm for the purpose of considering the amendment. Attachment C
Councilmember Jim Windham presented discussion and a video regarding the
need and advantages of the installation of fiber optic cable throughout the
city. After discussion, Mayor Roseberry
said he would like to see a business plan and asked Windham and Eady to bring
this item back for more discussion.
Online Payments
City Clerk Lauran Willis announced that the City is ready to go live with
Online Payment processing effective March 6th, 2017. Attachment D
Unfit Buildings
City Attorney David Strickland presented comparison documentation of the
Oxford Code and State Code as it relates to the enforcement provisions
pertaining to unfit buildings. Strickland also presented examples and
discussion on how other surrounding cities handle unfit dwellings and blighted
property. After discussion, Mayor Roseberry asked City Manager Bob Schwartz to prepare
an estimate of the cost and training cost to hire someone part time or full
time to manage this task. Attachment E
Street Patching
City Manager Bob Schwartz and Utility Superintendent Jody Reid presented two
bids for six street patches around the city. The low bid was from Southland
Paving Co., LLC. The funds for this
project will come from our street paving item in our capital budget and our FY2017
LMIG grant from GDOT. This item will be on the March agenda for a vote. Attachment F
Projects Status and Engineer’s Progress
This item was tabled due to time restraints. Attachment G
A motion was
made by Windham, seconded by Davis to adjourn at 7:23 pm. The motion was approved 7/0.
Respectfully submitted,
Lauran Willis, CMC/FOA
City Clerk