Agenda: Attachment A
MEMBERS Present:
Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor; Councilmembers: Sarah Davis; George Holt; Mike Ready;
Jim Windham, David Eady and Melvin Baker.
Bob Schwartz, City Manager; Matthew Pepper, Assistant City Manager; Lauran Willis, City Clerk; Jody Reid, Utility Superintendent; Dave Harvey, PoliceChief; Hoyt Oliver, Kendra Mayfield, Darryl & Teresa Welch, Judy Greer, Jeff Wearing, Todd Cain, Cathy Wooten.
Honorary Councilmember Attachment B
Mayor Roseberry introduced Cathy Wooten with Oxford College as the honorary councilmember for July.
Mayors Announcements
The July meeting has been moved from July 3rd to July 10th.
The work session will remain on July 17th.
There will be a retirement reception for Bob Schwartz on June 27th
from 4:00pm until 5:30pm at City Hall.
July 4th
City Clerk Lauran Willis gave an update on the event preparations.
Bid Awards
Assistant City Manager Matthew Pepper gave a report on bids for George
Street Trail extension. Recommend we negotiate with low bidder for minor
changes in specs to reduce cost. Will bring new cost back to council on July 10th. On the E. Clark Extension the city engineer
recommended moving the pre-bid conference to July 5th with the bids
due by July 12th and will present to council at the July 17 work
Assistant City Manager Job
Description Attachment C
City Manager Bob Schwartz presented revised job description. We will request
approval at the July 10th council meeting.
Zoning Administrator
Motion made by Eady, seconded by Windham, motion passed unanimously to
appoint Matthew Pepper as zoning administrator.
DDA Projects Discussion Attachment D
Councilmember Mike Ready presented map and gave update in preparation for the
joint meeting with the DDA on the July 17 work session.
Public Works
Truck Attachment E
Assistant City Manager Matt Pepper presented two bids with a recommendation to award the purchase order to Covington Ford for a Ford F-250 4x4 for $25,336. This item will be on the July
10th meeting for a vote.
Electric System Improvements
Attachment F
Assistant City Manager Matt Pepper presented bids with a recommendation to
award the low bid of $147,120 from Marable-Pirkle. This item will be on the July 10th
meeting for a vote.
Projects Status and Engineer’s
Progress Reports Attachment
City Manager Bob Schwartz gave update of project.
Executive Session- Canceled
The meeting was adjourned at 6:44pm.
Lauran Willis
City Clerk