D. Roseberry, Mayor; and Councilmembers: George Holt; Melvin Baker; Jim Windham;
David Eady; Mike Ready and Sarah Davis.
Pepper, Assistant City Manager; Lauran Willis, City Clerk; Jody Reid, Utility
Superintendent; Lieutenant Jeff Novak, Hoyt & LaTrelle Oliver, Kendra
Mayfield, Darryl & Teresa Welch, Norma Jones, Georgette Izen, Tim
McGaffney, Jeff Wearing, Cheryl Ready, Mike Besaw, Samantha Lowe, Nicholas
Cole, Jason Thomas, Frank Peay.
The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D.
Roseberry, Mayor
Agenda: Attachment A
Honorary Councilmember
Mayor Roseberry introduced Frances Redick as the honorary councilmember
for September appointed by Councilmember Mike Ready.
Mayor’s Announcements
September meeting will be moved to September 11, 2017 due
to the Labor Day holiday.
The Comprehensive Transportation Plan for Newton County will have an Open House
on Wednesday, August 23, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at The Center.
N. Emory Sewer Project – Sewer tap
fees and various laws and regulations regarding septic systems.
Assistant City Manager Matt Pepper presented a video that
covered the importance of septic systems vs sewer systems. The following
citizens expressed their concerns to Mayor and Council: Mike McQuaide 1026
Emory St.; Mike Besaw 1020 Emory St.; Frank Peay (formally of 1102 Emory St.), and
Samantha Lowe 904 Emory St.; Nicholas Cole 1104 Emory St.; Jason Thomas 118
East Clark St.; Norma Jones 702 Emory St, and Georgette Izen 704 Emory St. After discussion Roseberry asked that Council
submit their suggestions to Assistant City Manager Matt Pepper for continued
discussion at the September 11 meeting.
Attachment B
Plan – Discussion regarding plan adopted in December 2007
Assistant City Manager Matt Pepper said that John Devine with NEGRC has
agreed to prepare the new comprehensive plan which is due by February 28, 2018
if Council approves. The plan takes approximately six months to prepare, we
will need to appoint a steering committee advertise and hold public
hearings. Roseberry appointed David Eady
as Chair along with Mike Ready and asked them to appoint 4 additional
members. All members are in favor of
using John Devine and NEGRC. Roseberry authorized Matt to contact John Devine
to begin the planning. Attachment C
Annual Mayor
and Council Retreat
Roseberry said we are proposing that the retreat focus on long-term
planning with emphasis on sustainability. After some discussion it was the
consensus to hold this year’s retreat at City Hall in the Community Room. A date and time to be announced.
Whatcoat and
Asbury Street Parking
Kendra Mayfield from Oxford College presented the College’s proposed parking
development plan for Whatcoat Street.
After discussion, Council requested that the College’s present a
redesign that would not include the East side of Whatcoat as a parking lot and
to see if they can straighten or realign Asbury St to include more green space
or a buffer between the street and the Church and bring back a new proposal. Attachment D
Project Status
and Engineer’s Progress Reports
Council asked Assistant City Manager Matt Pepper to contact the city engineer
for an update on Moore Street Sidewalk and requested an update on the Asbury
Street Park.
The Regular Session was adjourned at 7:33 pm.
A motion was made by Windham,
seconded by Eady to go into an Executive Session at 7:38 pm. Motion passed 7/0.
Mayor Roseberry made an announcement regarding a personnel matter.
A motion was made by Eady, seconded
by Ready to leave the Executive Session at 7:40 pm. Motion passed 7/0.
A motion was made by Windham, seconded by Holt to adjourn the meeting at 7:40
pm. Motion passed 7/0.
Lauran Willis, CMC/FOA
City Clerk