D. Roseberry, Mayor; and Councilmembers: George Holt; Jim Windham; David Eady;
Mike Ready and Sarah Davis, Councilmember Melvin Baker was not present.
Pepper, Assistant City Manager; Lauran Willis, City Clerk; Jody Reid, Utility
Superintendent; Dave Harvey, Chief, Darryl & Teresa Welch, Terri Fullerton,
Todd Cain, Kendra Mayfield, Robert
Bayless, Mike Besaw, Judy Greer, Jeff Wearing, Peggy Madden, Hoyt and LaTrelle
Oliver, Zach May, Loren Roberts.
The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D.
Roseberry, Mayor
Agenda *
Mayors Announcements
The annual retreat is scheduled for October 27, 2017 here at City Hall.
A Plan Implementation Project meeting is scheduled for November 17th
at The Center at 9:30.
Grant Writer – Roseberry
said with the recent purchase of the property at 107 W. Clark, and due to the
historic nature of the building we need someone who has experience as a
historian and knows how to write grants to pursue possible funding for the
restoration of the property. Roseberry suggested Eric Oliver. City Clerk Lauran
Willis will research salaries for Grant writers and this item will be on the
November agenda for a vote.
Moore Street Traffic Study – Assistant
city manager Matt Pepper gave an update on the traffic study that was done on
Moore Street. Mayor Roseberry asked that
Chief Harvey verify with the county fire marshal to see if there is a specific
kind of speed hump they recommend that would have less impact on the fire
engines and speed in getting to any calls.
Eady suggested he also investigate if a stop sign would be just as
effective. This item will be on the November
work session agenda for further discussion.
101 Longstreet
Circle- Roseberry said we have received another low offer on the property
at 101 Longstreet Circle. He said we
need to discuss what the city wants to do with this property. Do we want to make it into a park or
entertain bids to sell it? The consensus
was to turn it into a passive park. It
was suggested we need to canvas the citizens in the neighborhood first before
we move forward. This item will be on
the November agenda for a vote.
Councilmember of the Month Program.
Assistant City Manager Matt Pepper said we started this program in
2014, since then we have hosted 48 honorary councilmembers. Pepper said due to the time spent and cost
involved with city staff we suggest transitioning to every other month. Eady suggested possibly going to quarterly. This item will be on the November meeting for
a vote.
Asbury Street
Parking Lot
Kendra Mayfield with Oxford College said that due to the expense in
engineering to reconfigure straightening of Asbury Street on the plans the
College has decided to withdraw their request.
Councilmember Eady asked, since the council had not approved the parking lot on
Whatcoat, that parking on Pierce and Whatcoat Streets be discussed further. Mayor
Roseberry said this will be put on the November work session for further
Executive Session
This item was cancelled.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:52 pm.
Respectfully Submitted;
Lauran Willis, CMC/FOA
City Clerk
Attachments: *
1. Agenda
2. Moore Street Traffic Study