D. Roseberry, Mayor; and Councilmembers: George Holt; Jim Windham; David Eady;
Mike Ready and Sarah Davis, Melvin Baker.
Pepper, Assistant City Manager; Dave Harvey, Chief; Lauran Willis, City Clerk;
Jody Reid, Utility Superintendent; Hoyt & LaTrelle Oliver, Kendra Mayfield,
Teresa & Darryl Welch, Robert Bayless, Louise Eady, Peggy Madden, Juanita
Carson, Cheryl Ready, Terry Smith, Jeff Wearing, Officer Daniel Ward.
Agenda – Attachment A
The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D.
Roseberry, Mayor
Mayors Announcements:
Mayor Roseberry presented a letter to Chief Harvey and
the police department from Rust Chapel Church thanking them for helping with
their Fall Festival.
Roseberry presented an article from the Covington News by Darryl Welch “Does
Low pay affect safety?”
Parking on
Pierce and Whatcoat Streets
Item was tabled.
Emory Street Sewer Project
Assistant City Manager Matt Pepper presented a map and discussed the
layout of the sewer line project rerouting around the Jackson property. Matt
will inform Mr. Jackson of council’s decision to decline his proposal.
Attachment B
Police Department
Assistant City Manager Matt Pepper presented a memo and research from
Chief Harvey for discussion of departmental changes within the police
department. Mayor Roseberry proposed we
cut back to 3 officers and transfer those salaries to increase those on
force. Councilmember Holt will work with
Matt and Lauran to work out the details. This item will be put on the December
meeting. Attachment C
Joint Meeting
with the Downtown Development Authority
Mayor Roseberry said we will expect 2017 Census documents
sometime in February or March. We need to have a joint meeting with the DDA to
discuss future development in order to identify and assign addresses for all
potential properties to be included on the census.
Assistant City Manager Matt Pepper will coordinate a joint meeting with the DDA
and Council.
Mayor Roseberry said we some vacancies on the Planning Commission. This
item was moved to the executive session for further discussion.
Moore Street
Sidewalk Project
Assistant City Manager Matt Pepper presented discussion on moving the
sidewalk to the south side of Moore Street. Matt will consult with the city
engineer to obtain various options and cost. Attachment D
Enforcement Contractor
Mayor Roseberry said we have discussed in previous meetings the
possibility of contracting out the city’s code enforcement services. Matt Pepper presented a workup of cost
figures and his discussion with the city managers for Social Circle and Newborn
regarding their code enforcement contracts. Eady asked Matt to obtain at least one more
proposal. Mayor Roseberry said we will vote on this at the December meeting.
Attachment E
Weight Limit
At the request of Councilmember Windham, Chief Harvey presented
research regarding streets where the weight limit signs are missing and some
were signs are on the left and not on the right. Chief Harvey will work on getting signs
placed where needed and at the proper distance from the intersections where
they are visible.
Attachment F
Honorary Councilmember
of the Month
After discussion all council were in favor of keeping the Honorary
Councilmember program. Roseberry suggested we do away with the lunch and keep
the department orientations. Eady said
we need to find a way to follow up and engage the honorary councilmembers and
said we need to engage the College students as they are a vital part of the
Latham Home Sanitation, Inc. Contract
Assistant City Manager Matt Pepper presented a notice from Latham Home
Sanitation informing the council they will be increasing their monthly
rates. After discussion of other
concerns it was determined that we need to put the Sanitation service out for
bid. Matt will work on the bid proposals
for council to approve and present at the December work session. Attachment G
MEAG Power Sale of Excess Reserve
Mayor Roseberry said we have received the letter agreement between the
Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia (“MEAG Power”), between the City of
Sandersville, Georgia and the City of Oxford. Roseberry asked for a motion to authorize
MEAG to purchase the Sale Amount of Excess Reserve Capacity by Oxford at $2.00
per kW-year (the “Contract Price). Attachment H
Motion by Ready, seconded by Baker to
authorize Mayor to sign agreement to purchase the Sale amount of excess reserve
capacity by Oxford at $2:00 per kW-year. Motion Passed 7/0.
Executive Session
Motion by Eady, seconded by Ready to go into Executive at 7:07 pm. Motion
passed 7/0.
Old Business:
Council discussed Real Estate matters.
New Business:
Council discussed Personnel matters.
Motion by Ready,
seconded by Eady to leave Executive Session at 7:35 pm. Motion passed 7/0.
There being no further business.
Motion by Ready, seconded by Davis to adjourn at 7:35 pm. Motion passed 7/0.
Respectfully Submitted;
Lauran Willis, CMC/FOA
City Clerk