City Council Minutes December 4, 2017 Public Hearing & Regular Session

MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor; and Councilmembers: David Eady, Mike Ready, Sarah Davis, and Melvin Baker.

OTHERS PRESENT: Matt Pepper, Assistant City Manager; Lauran Willis, City Clerk; Jody Reid, Utility Superintendent; Hoyt & LaTrelle Oliver, Rob Bayless, Cheryl Ready, Laura McCanless, Rev. James Roach Jr., Adrienne Waddey.

Assistant City Manager Matt Pepper presented the draft of the Comprehensive Plan, breaking down each element of the plan including the vision for Oxford with reference to projects and short term work program. 
Pepper concluded with the final steps which will be the adoption of the plan and implementation of the projects on the plan.   (Attached)

The public hearing was adjourned at 6:44 PM.

MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2017 – 7:00PM

MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor; and Councilmembers: David Eady; Mike Ready and Sarah Davis, Melvin Baker, Jim Windham, George Holt.

OTHERS PRESENT: Matt Pepper, Assistant City Manager; Lauran Willis, City Clerk; Jody Reid, Utility Superintendent; Dave Harvey, Chief; Hoyt & LaTrelle Oliver, Rob Bayless, Cheryl Ready, Laura McCanless, Rev. James Roach Jr., Darryl & Teresa Welch, Mike Besaw, Todd Cain, Kendra Mayfield.

The meeting was called to order by the Hon. Jerry D. Roseberry, Mayor
Invocation: Hoyt Oliver/ Pledge of Allegiance:

Motion made Baker, seconded by Davis to accept the Agenda for December 4, 2017 Mayor and Council Regular Meeting.  Motion passed 7/0   (Attachment A)

Honorary Councilmember
Mayor Roseberry announced we do not have an honorary councilmember for December.

Consent Agenda
               a. Motion to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 6, 2017.
               b. Motion to approve the Minutes of the Work Session for November 20, 2017.

Majority vote passed 7/0.   (Attachment B a-b)



Council heard comments from LaTrelle Oliver of 312 W. Clark Street regarding the next Trees, Parks and Recreation meeting requesting council support in replacing 1 member. 
Mike Besaw of 1020 Emory Street, congratulated Jeff Wearing on winning the election, and offered his support to Council.

Mayor Roseberry said the report from the Police Department for last month showed they wrote 41 citations, 60 warnings and made 7 arrests. He also announced they have hired a new police officer, Daniel Ward.

Roseberry said he will meet with the mayors to participate in a Stakeholders Needs Assessment for Newton County here at City Hall on Friday, December 8 from 9:00 am to 10:30 am, and a Citizens Stakeholders Focus Group will meet again on Monday, December 11, 2017 in the Community Room from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. The meetings will be facilitated by Organizations By Design, a firm employed by Newton County for the project.

Code Enforcement Contractor
Assistant City Manager Matt Pepper presented a sample RFP for code enforcement service.  After discussion it was requested that Matt check with the county and other cities on what type of certifications are required of their code enforcement officers and bring back for further discussion at the next meeting.   Attachment C

Honorary Councilmember of the Month Program
A motion was made by Eady, seconded by Ready, to continue the program on an every other month basis to see if that is sufficient to minimize the burden on staff. In addition it will be the responsibility of the councilmember who nominates the person to be the lead and coordinate with staff for the tour and to take them to lunch.   The motion passed 7/0.

Planning Commission Member
Assistant City Manager Matt Pepper said the Planning Commission has vacancies and expiring terms that require City Council action.  
A motion was made by Eady, seconded by Windham to fill the 2 vacancies for the expiring members with Zach May and Laura McCanless both to serve a three (3) year term and Mike Besaw will serve the remainder of Penny England’s term which expires December 2019 and Juanita Carson will serve the remainder of Jeff Wearing’s term which expires December 2018. The motion passed 7/0.

Moore Street Sidewalk
Assistant City Manager Matt Pepper presented a write up from city engineer Robert Jordan regarding the site inspection to evaluate each side of the Moore Street 50-foot-wide right-of-way to determine the pros and cons of locating a 5-foot sidewalk on either side from the soccer field westward to the Oxford city limits.  After discussion and review of the research.

A motion was made by Windham, seconded by Holt to authorize Assistant City Manager Matt Pepper to request that City Engineer Robert Jordan to proceed with pre-bid documents moving everything to the South side.  The motion passed 7/0.     Attachment D.

INVOICES OVER $1,000.00 





City Oxford Utilities

City Hall/Maintenance Facility/Old Church/Pump Station on Richardson Utilities for (October)


Blue Cross Blue Shield

Health Insurance (Dec)


Latham Home Sanitation Co. Inc.

Monthly curbside service for November  


Newton County BOC

Water Purchase Cornish Creek for October Inv#2353



Monthly IT Services December


Southeastern Power Admin.

SEPA energy cost  (Oct) Inv. B-18-0108




                                                       PURCHASES/CONTRACT LABOR


Contract ended / New Contract 


McNair, McLemore, Middlebrook

CPA Professional/Audit Prep FY2017


The Covington News

Ads for Comprehensive Planning/Administrative Clerk and Police Officer.





HCS Services, LLC

Draw 2 on Walking Trail Project Invoice 11/21/2017


HCS Services, LLC

Draw 3 on Walking Trail Project Invoice 11/29/2017


Scarborough Tree Service

Removal of trees from Cemetery  Inv#12066


Scarborough Tree Service

Removal of Black Walnut Tree at Old Church.


Scarborough Tree Service

Removal of dead oak on new part of walking path on George Street.


Invoice Approval
Motion made by Holt, seconded by Eady to approve invoices. Motion passed 7/0.

Motion by Windham, seconded by Ready to adjourn the Regular Session at 7:35 pm.

Respectfully Submitted;

Lauran Willis, CMC/FOA
City Clerk