Downtown Developement Authority Meeting September 22 2020


Minutes – September 22, 2020

MEMBERS: Mr. Brian Barnard, Chair; Mr. Jonathan Eady, Ms. Danielle Miller, Mr. Art Vinson, Mr. Ray Wilson, and Mr. Mike Ready.

STAFF: Matthew Pepper, City Manager and DDA Secretary/Treasurer.

GUESTS: No guests were in attendance.

OPENING: At 7:03 PM, Mr. Barnard called the meeting to order.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Upon motion of Mr. Eady, seconded by Mr. Ready, the minutes for the meeting on August 25, 2020 were approved. The vote was 6 – 0.

ELECTION OF NEW VICE-CHAIRMAN: Upon motion of Mr. Eady, seconded by Mr. Wilson, Mike Ready was appointed to serve as the Vice-Chairman of the Downtown Development Authority. The vote was 6 – 0.

LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ON THE E. CLARK STREET LOTS: The DDA reviewed the bids for the long-term landscape maintenance of the two E. Clark Street lots. They received bids from the following companies: Great Estates Landscaping, NatureScapes Landscape Services, and Five Fields Lawncare. For the .98-acre property adjacent to E. Clark Street, the scope of work included mowing the grass bi-weekly during the growing season (April-October) and once a month during the dormant season (November-March). The narrow section of the 6.34-acre lot would be mowed once a month.

Upon motion of Mr. Vinson, seconded by Mr. Eady, the Downtown Development Authority approved the purchase order with Great Estates Landscaping to provide landscape maintenance services to the two DDA-owned lots for an annual cost of $1,620. The vote was 6 – 0.

THE YARBROUGH HOUSE PROPERTY: The DDA reviewed the memo stating their recommendations for the Yarbrough House property (107 W. Clark Street).

Upon motion of Mr. Vinson, seconded by Ms. Miller, the Downtown Development Authority will submit the memo for the property located at 107 W. Clark Street to the Mayor and City Council. The vote was 6 – 0.

OTHER BUSINESS: The DDA discussed the following items related to other business.  

=        The City Greenspace  – The DDA discussed how to implement a low-cost strategy to help cultivate commercial activity on the city greenspace. Some of the ideas could dovetail with the revival of the city’s farmers market including installing picnic tables in shaded areas and adding signage. Mr. Pepper will ask Melissa Pratt to work with the DDA to develop and carry out the strategies. At the next meeting, Mr. Barnard will provide the DDA access to a Google Drawing of the city greenspace for the DDA to brainstorm ideas of potential locations for the picnic tables, signage, etc.


=        The Forney Property and Food Truck – Ms. Miller shared that Oxford College is in the initial stages of a feasibility study for the Forney property (102 Pierce Street) to serve as the college’s alumni center. Ms. Miller stated that the study would include the entire property. In addition, the college is considering hiring a food truck for an event for the students. The DDA discussed the option of a food truck locating at the city greenspace for an event in the future. 


=        Vacancy on the DDA – Mr. Pepper reported that the city had identified some potential candidates for the DDA’s open seat. He further stated that the Council will be appointing the individual soon. 


=        The DDA’s annual budget – As the DDA considers some low-cost options for the city greenspace, Ms. Miller requested that the DDA discuss their budget at the next meeting. 


ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Barnard adjourned the meeting at 8:07 PM.

Submitted by:



Matthew Pepper, Secretary/Treasurer