Downtown Development Authority Meeting April 19, 2017

MEMBERS: Mr. Mark McGiboney, chair, Ms. Loren Roberts, Vice-Chair, Dr. Melvin Baker, Mr. Brian Barnard, Mr. Jonathan Eady, Ms. Kendra Mayfield, and Ms. Martha Molyneux.

STAFF:  Bob Schwartz, city manager and DDA secretary/treasurer.

GUESTS: There were no guests.

OPENING:  Mr. McGiboney called the meeting to order at 7:15 PM.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Upon motion of Mr. Eady, seconded by Dr. Baker, the minutes for the meeting on March 2, 2017 were approved as presented. The vote was 7 – 0.

ADDITIONAL NOTEBOOK MATERIAL: Mr. Schwartz distributed three additional items for the DDA members’ notebooks: The Town Center district zoning ordinance and map, the UGA streetscape study from 2012, and the proposed town center development from the Future Planning Workshop in 2006.

The members asked for a map showing the DDA area as an overlay to the zoning map.

TRAINING - Mr. McGiboney reminded the members of the state mandated training scheduled for Saturday, April 22nd.

BY-LAWS – The members reviewed a draft set of By-Laws prepared by Mr. Schwartz.  Several changes were made to the draft but final approval will wait until the new DDA attorney has had a chance to review the proposed By-Laws.

ATTORNEY – The members discussed three attorneys who had indicated a willingness to serve as the attorney for the DDA.  The discussion included the advantages and disadvantages of sharing the same attorney with the City.  After discussion, upon motion of Mr. Barnard, seconded by Ms. Molyneux, the Chair was authorized to negotiate and sign a contract with Mr. Frank Turner to serve as the attorney for the DDA.

OTHER BUSINESS – The members discussed several items and asked for more data in the areas of demography and the utility bills in Oxford. They discussed the purpose of the DDA and what sort of development should be sought for Oxford.  This discussion will continue at the next meeting.

ADJOURNMENT: Mr. McGiboney adjourned the meeting at 8:10 PM.

Approved by:

Bob Schwartz, Secretary/Treasurer