Downtown Development Authority Minutes September 3, 2019

MEMBERS: Mr. Brian Barnard, Chair; Ms. Martha Molyneux, Vice-Chair; Mr. Jonathan Eady, Mr. Mike Ready, Ms. Danielle Miller, Mr. Ray Wilson, and Mr. Art Vinson.

STAFF: Matthew Pepper, city manager and DDA secretary/treasurer.

GUESTS: Kevin Clark, Paul Knight, and Ryan Yurcaba, Historical Concepts.

OPENING: At 5:38 PM, Mr. Barnard called the meeting to order and welcomed the guests.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Upon motion of Mr. Ready, seconded by Ms. Molyneux, the minutes for the meeting on August 27, 2019 were approved as amended. The vote was 7 – 0.


Motion by Mr. Eady, seconded by Mr. Vinson, to enter the Executive Session at 5:41 PM . The vote was 7 – 0.

The DDA discussed the potential acquisition and disposition of real estate.

Motion by Mr. Ready, seconded by Ms. Molyneux, to leave the Executive Session and return to the regular meeting at 7:45 PM. The vote was 7 – 0.

OTHER BUSINESS: The DDA agreed to meet on Tuesday, September 24th pending the receipt of any draft site plan documents from Historical Concepts.  

ADJOURNMENT: Ms. Barnard adjourned the meeting at 7:49 PM.

Approved by:

Matthew Pepper, Secretary/Treasurer