Downtown Development Authority Meeting October 24, 2018

MEMBERS: Mr. Mark McGiboney, Chair; Mr. Jonathan Eady, Mr. Mike Ready, Ms. Danielle Miller, Ms. Martha Molyneux, and Mr. Brian Barnard. Ms. Loren Roberts was absent.

STAFF: Matthew Pepper, city manager and DDA secretary/treasurer.

GUESTS: There were no guests in attendance.

OPENING: At 6:59 PM, Mr. McGiboney called the meeting to order.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Upon motion of Mr. Eady, seconded by Mr. Ready, the minutes for the meeting on August 22, 2018 were approved. The vote was 4 – 0.

STATUS UPDATE ON THE RFP FOR THE E. CLARK STREET DEVELOPMENT: Mr. Pepper shared that developers did not submit a proposal for the E. Clark Street project for the following reasons: busy with other projects, concerns with the design, the requirement to purchase the property, a lack of incentives from the city, and the absence of an amenity nearby. The DDA members agreed to waiting several months to reissue the E. Clark RFP in favor of extending the October 15th deadline.

DISCUSSION OF DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT ALONG HWY 81: The DDA members discussed potential commercial and development opportunities for the city-owned property. The DDA members agreed that the city should partner with Oxford College when developing the property. Mr. McGiboney will talk with Mayor Roseberry about whether the city is willing to allow the DDA to broaden their scope to include pursuing development opportunities on the city’s property abutting Hwy 81.

OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Barnard shared with the DDA members that he has accepted a new job that would prohibit him from attending future DDA meetings if they were held on Wednesday evenings. The DDA members agreed to move their meetings to the fourth Thursday of every month. Mr. Pepper will discuss the schedule change with Ms. Roberts, who was absent from the meeting.

ADJOURNMENT: Mr. McGiboney adjourned the meeting at 8:00 PM.

Approved by:

Matthew Pepper, Secretary/Treasurer