Planning Commission April 11, 2018

MEMBERS: Jonathan Eady, Chair; Aaron Robinson, Vice Chair; Laura McCanless, Secretary; Zach May, Juanita Carson, and Mike Besaw.

STAFF: Matthew Pepper, assistant city manager and zoning administrator.

GUESTS: Anderson Wright, representative of the Oxford Historical Society.

OPENING: At 7:00 PM, Mr. Eady called the meeting to order and welcomed the guest.

MINUTES: Upon motion of Ms. McCanless, seconded by Mr. Besaw, the minutes for the meeting of March 13 were adopted as presented. The vote was 6-0.

OXFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION: On behalf of the Oxford Historical Society, Anderson Wright requested approval to install a handicap ramp to the north entrance of Old Church (1011 Wesley Street). The Commission members had a discussion on the federal government’s requirements for the design, distance, and grade of the ramp, as well as its location in reference to side setback limits. The Commission members decided not to approve the location of the ramp as depicted because it did not meet the side setback limit. Mr. Pepper will confirm the right-of-way measurement as depicted in the city’s right-of-way survey. Mr. Wright will return to the next meeting with an alternative depiction of the ramp that will be in compliance with city’s current setback limits.

DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION EDITS: The Planning Commission members reviewed the edits to the development permit application regarding the question discussing the applicant’s proposed work. The Commission members were in agreement to separate the question into two questions. In addition, the Commission members made minor text modifications.  

Upon motion of Mr. Robinson, seconded by Ms. Carson, the Planning Commission approved the edits, with modifications, to the city’s development permit application. The vote was 6-0.

DEXTER MITCHELL DEVELOPMENT DISCUSSION: The Commission members discussed the property’s location, access to utilities and parking, and the rezoning process as it related to the proposed development. Mr. Mitchell was not present at the meeting.

CITY REPORT: Mr. Pepper updated the Commission members on the city’s preservation efforts on the Yarbrough House (107 W. Clark Street), the progress on Asbury Street Park, and the progress of the residential development on E. Clark Street. 

ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Eady adjourned the meeting at 8:02 PM.

Approved by:

Laura McCanless, Secretary