Planning Commission July 21, 2015

MEMBERS: Mike Ready, Chair; Jonathan Eady, Vice-Chair; Penny England, Vivian Harris, and Ron Manson. Shawn Gaither, secretary was absent.

STAFF:  Bob Schwartz, city manager and zoning administrator.

GUESTS:  Kendra Mayfield and Daniel Parson with Oxford College. 

OPENING:  Mr. Ready called the meeting to order and welcomed the guests.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Upon motion of Mr. Manson, seconded by Ms. Harris, the minutes for the meeting of April 14, 2015 were approved.

OXFORD COLLEGE DEMOLITION PERMIT REQUEST - Oxford College requested a development permit for the demolition of the house at 608 Emory Street. Kendra Mayfield reported that the house is a total loss. They have abated the asbestos. The septic tank has been removed and will be filled in when the house is demolished and filled in. Mr. Ready asked about the future use for this lot. Ms. Mayfield replied it is just going to be green space for the time being. Mr. Manson reminded everyone that there is a restriction that any new building should be residential in scale and appearance. And, Mr. Eady reminded everyone that any new building will have to be within the current setback requirements.

Upon motion of Mr. Eady, seconded by Ms. Harris, the development permit for the demolition of the house at 608 Emory Street was approved as requested. All members voted in favor.

OXFORD COLLEGE ZONING AMENDMENT REQUEST - Oxford College requested a zoning amendment so that: “the zoning of Bonnell Street be amended to be considered a side yard for the Oxford Organic Farm.”  There followed a considerable discussion of this request. Mr. Parson noted that it was not possible to manage the organic farm without a way to keep the deer out. The deer sometimes very aggressively eat his crops. It’s particularly a problem with some of his cover crops. All members of the Planning Commission participated in a discussion with the representatives of Oxford College about several possibilities for rezoning or a variance.

At the end of the discussion Oxford College withdrew its application for the rezoning. The college is going discuss several options internally and may return to the Planning Commission at a later date.

ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Ready adjourned the meeting at 8:02 PM.

Submitted by:

Bob Schwartz, zoning administrator