Planning Commission August 8, 2017

MEMBERS: Jonathan Eady, Chair; Jeff Wearing, Vice-Chair; Ron Manson, and Aaron Robinson, Penny England. Vivian Harris was absent.

STAFF: Matthew Pepper, assistant city manager and zoning administrator.

GUESTS: Roberto & Lucia Soto; Francisco Isla; Jerry Bray; Kendra Mayfield.

OPENING:  At 7:00 PM, Mr. Eady called the meeting to order and welcomed the guests.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Upon motion of Mr. Wearing, seconded by Ms. England, the minutes for the meeting of July 11, 2017 were adopted as amended.  The vote was 5-0.

ROBERTO SOTO DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: Roberto Soto requested approval for an above ground pool in the backyard. The property owner, Jerry Bray, attended the meeting. On July 11, 2017, the Commission denied Mr. Soto’s development permit as the application was not signed and submitted by the property owners, therefore it was incomplete. Mr. Soto resubmitted the development permit for the pool. The Commission members reviewed the new application to ensure that all previous requirements had been met, including a detailed depiction of the pool and fence in relation to the property line, and that the application was also signed by both the applicant and the property owner.

Upon motion of Mr. Robinson, seconded by Ms. England, the Planning Commission approved the development permit as the application was signed by the applicant and property owner, therefore meeting the previous requirements of the Commission. The vote was 5 – 0.

OXFORD COLLEGE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: On behalf of Oxford College, Kendra Mayfield requested approval for a new design of the east parking lot on Whatcoat Street, and additional parking on Asbury Street. The Commission members had a discussion concerning several aspects of the proposed design for the parking lots including spaces for the church, pedestrian access, and using the lots as assigned faculty parking. Since the proposed parking plan includes locations within the city right-of-way, the Commission only reviewed the development permit application and submitted a recommendation to City Council.

Upon Motion of Mr. Manson, seconded by Mr. Wearing, the Planning Commission recommended to City Council to support the proposed parking development plan as depicted in the development permit application. The vote was 4 in favor, with 1 abstention.

CITY REPORT: The Committee discussed the recent City Council approval of the E. Clark Street Extension project. Mr. Pepper reported on the progress of the Asbury Street Park project.

ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Eady adjourned the meeting at 7:46 PM.

Approved by:

Aaron Robinson, Secretary