Planning Commission December 14, 2016

MEMBERS: Jonathan Eady, Chair; Jeff Wearing, Vice-Chair; Penny England, and Ron Manson.  Vivian Harris and Shawn Gaither were absent.

STAFF:  Bob Schwartz, city manager and zoning administrator.

GUESTS: Shawn and Angela Giddens and Kendra Mayfield from Oxford College. 

OPENING:  Mr. Eady called the meeting to order and welcomed the guests.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Upon motion of Mr. Wearing, seconded by Mr. Manson, the minutes for the meeting of October 11, 2016 were approved.  The vote was 4-0. The Planning Commission did not meet in November.

SHAWN AND ANGELA GIDDENS DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION – Mr. Shawn and Ms. Angela Giddens submitted a Development Application for a manufactured storage shed and a carport at 106 Oxford North Road.  The request for the storage shed is after the fact – it is already installed.  The members of the Planning Commission reviewed the dimensions of the lot and the proposed addition and looked at the side and rear setback requirements.

Upon motion of Mr. Wearing seconded by Ms. England, the development application was approved as submitted with the requirement that the city inspect the electrical outlets in the storage shed before approving the application. The vote was 4-0.

OXFORD COLLEGE – PIERCE HALL RENOVATION – Oxford College submitted a Development Application for the renovation of Pierce Hall.  The members of the Planning Commission discussed the nature of the exterior work with Kendra Mayfield. The dock will become a patio. The chiller will be moved from the north courtyard and will be located with the Tarbutton chiller. The improvements to the building will be energy and utilities efficient and on-site storm water detention will be installed. Several trees on the Oxford college property will be removed and replaced. The existing sidewalks will be torn up and then replaced.

Upon motion of Mr. Wearing seconded by Mr. Manson, the development application was approved based on the plans presented. The vote was 3-0 with Mr. Eady abstaining.

OXFORD COLLEGE – TWO MOBILE OFFICE UNITS – Oxford College submitted a Development Application to permit the installation of two mobile office units north of Williams Hall to accommodate faculty to be relocated during the renovation of Pierce Hall. The Planning Commission asked Ms. Mayfield just how temporary these two units would be. Ms. Mayfield said they would be removed at the end of December 2017 at the conclusion of the Pierce Hall project.

Upon motion of Mr. Manson seconded by Ms. England, the development application for the two temporary mobile office units was approved with the understanding they be removed at the end of December 2017. The vote was 3-0 with Mr. Eady abstaining.

OXFORD COLLEGE – FUTURE DEVELOPMENT PLAN – The Planning Commission along with Ms. Mayfield and Mr. Schwartz reviewed several recommended changes to the zoning ordinance concerning the future development plan for the College. After considerable discussion it was determined that this was the first draft and a revised second draft would be submitted to the Planning Commission at its next meeting.

CITY REPORT – Mr. Schwartz reported on:

a.      The status of the proposed Downtown Development Authority - Work is proceeding to prepare the Resolution to create a Downtown Development Authority. The Planning Commission has serious reservations about this.

b.      The planning for the Asbury Street Park - Planning is proceeding with construction likely in the summer of 2017.

c.       The process to update our comprehensive plan and our short term work program - The Planning Commission will be part of the stakeholders’ workgroup that will work with the planner from the Northeast Georgia Regional Commission who will be preparing the 10 year update to the city’s comprehensive plan. Work will begin late in 2017 and will be completed in 2018.

d.      The upcoming vacancies on the Planning Commission - After some discussion Ms. England agreed to serve for another three-year term if selected by City Council.


NEXT MEETING – Because of the travel schedules of two of the members the next meeting of the Planning Commission will be Tuesday, January 17.

ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Eady adjourned the meeting at 8:52 PM.


Submitted by:

Bob Schwartz, zoning administrator