From Bob Schwartz, City Manager
→ A Little Help From Our Friends – On Monday, working with his friends at Brasfield & Gorrie, the contractors for the new Science Building, Jody Reid was able to have them use their electric crane to set the pad for our transformer that will provide electric service to the new building.
→ Coke Street and George Street – We have scheduled a discussion about the Coke Street and George Street right-of-way with the city attorney for the work session on January 19. In the meantime, you might be interested in some or our preliminary research. I’ve attached a summary of the city archives as they relate to the pond in the right-of-way and, believe it or not, a copy of the minutes when the 99 year lease was first discussed at a council meeting with Bishop Haygood in 1893. You may have to squint a little to read the 19th century script, but it’s worth it.
Merry Christmas!